Friday 2 June 2017

Alexander Eichler Forex Paz

Alpari (Alpari. ru) Revisão Visite o site Empathy Customer Support Quality Alpari tem uma incrível plataforma e painel de usuário e i039m não vai negar isso. Mas a única coisa que a empresa vai fazer com que esta empresa caia é a ausência de um bom suporte ao cliente, o departamento de pagamento especialmente para ser mais preciso. Eu já liguei o departamento de pagamento da Alpari mais 5 vezes e falei com 5 agentes diferentes e nenhum deles mostrou profissionalismo nem empatia e não foi útil, então eu tive que enviar meus clientes PAMM para outro corretor. De qualquer forma, tendo trabalhado como Representante de suporte ao cliente por mais de 5 anos, confie em mim, eu sei do que i039m fala e o departamento de clientes Alpari precisa melhorar muito. Responder por Alpari enviada 29 de janeiro de 2017: Lamentamos ter lhe dado tanta experiência de comunicação com nossa equipe de suporte. Agradecer-nos-íamos se nos contasse quando nos contatou. Isso nos ajudará a melhorar nosso serviço de suporte ao cliente. CHASING STOP PERDA Eles estão perseguindo sua parada de perda. Eu pensei que eles eram profissionais, mas eles não são. O alto da vela nunca atingiu a perda de paragem no entanto, a perda de parada foi atingida e eu perdi o comércio. Tenho os documentos para fazer backup da minha reivindicação. Quando eu enviar-lhes o email para arquivar minha reivindicação, eles nunca responderam. No entanto, consegui retirar rapidamente o meu dinheiro da minha conta. COMO DESPEDIDA. 16 de dezembro de 2016 - 1 Estrela Muito desapontado, pensei que fossem profissionais Eles atingiram minha parada, embora o preço nunca tenha chegado à minha parada de perda. Quando eu envio a minha reclamação, eles nunca responderam. Pelo menos eu consegui retirar o resto do meu dinheiro da minha conta. STAY AWAY Responder por Alpari enviada 24 de dezembro de 2016: Olá. Por favor, especifique o TID da reclamação, veremos informações sobre sua situação. Por favor, tome conhecimento - respondemos a uma reclamação dentro de 5 dias úteis. É provável que sua posição de venda tenha sido fechada no nível Stop Loss no preço Ask, portanto, você não conseguiu ver esse preço exato no gráfico MT4. Por favor, verifique o histórico do Tick no seu perfil do myAlpari. Erro de Execução na minha Plataforma MT4 Estou muito desapontado com este corretor e a resposta lenta para resolver problemas é muito preocupante. Eu estou negociando uma conta ECN com a empresa, mas em uma das minhas ordens da BUY no USDJPY, eu fiz cerca de 9 lucros, mas quando eu encerrei o comércio, 18 foram deduzidas da minha conta, em vez dos 9 lucros. Entreguei uma reclamação a Alpari sobre este erro de execução na minha conta, mas Alpari não respondeu depois de mais de uma semana. Eu realmente não posso acreditar que um corretor pode ser tão lento para resolver reclamações de clientes039. Muito desapontado. Veja os detalhes da transação abaixo: número do MT4 acct: 1464724 data e hora em que eu coloquei o comércio 2016.09.08 21:14:09 data e hora em que eu encerrei o comércio 2016.09.14 08:02:00. Tipo de pedido Comprar Tamanho 0.02 moeda usdjpy. O lucro foi suposto ser 9USD e mudou para -18.57 quando eu encerrei o pedido. Preço quando eu comprei o preço 102.531 quando eu fechei o preço falso 103.030 que alapri saltou para 101.5. Embora muito novo para a Alpari, estou muito preocupado com esse tipo de situação. Ainda esperando ansiosamente como Alpari irá resolver esse problema, então vou atualizar aqui de volta. Responder por Alpari enviada 22 de novembro de 2016: Olá, especifique seu ID de queixa. Também tenha em mente que o Departamento de Conformidade considera queixas individuais, o mais rapidamente possível, mas, em qualquer caso, no prazo de 5 (cinco) dias úteis após ter sido recebido. Se seus problemas já foram resolvidos - por favor, nos informe sobre esta revisão. ALPARI É ROBBER. ALPARI É ROBBER. Eu sou IB of Alpari, (IB no: 1202369) desde 2010. Ganhei desconto de 1774 dólares em setembro de 2016. Mas a Alpari pagou apenas 81 USD por descontos de setembro. Cumpriu a regra de que 3 clientes ativos trocam 1 LOT em 1 mês. Eu reclamarei essa empresa. Estou falando com meus advogados. E acho que conversar com a Embaixada da Rússia. Responder por Alpari enviada 23 de novembro de 2016: Olá, nosso departamento do IB já discutiu todas as possíveis soluções para esse problema com você. A soma total foi diminuída devido à cláusula 5.8 dos nossos regulamentos do IB - quoteshould o endereço IP de um Cliente ser o mesmo que o do IB, eles devem ser considerados afiliados e a compensação na conta não será paga. quot Se você tiver outro Perguntas - sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato com nosso suporte ao cliente. Infelizmente, embora Alpari deixe-me abrir e verificar uma conta, assim que a financiei (com uma transferência bancária de 4000 da memória), eles me disseram que não podiam me aceitar como eu era residente dos EUA (o que poderia ter feito quando eu Verificou a conta). Eles roubaram parte do meu dinheiro, alegando que era a taxa de transferência de seus bancos. Quando os enviei por solicitação de uma explicação, eles não responderiam aos e-mails. Como tal, eu recomendo fortemente contra este corretor, mesmo que você esteja em uma jurisdição onde você possa usá-los. A incompetência e o apoio infantil devem afastar alguém, não importa de onde eles estejam. Responder por Alpari enviada 23 de novembro de 2016: Olá, infelizmente não aceitamos clientes dos EUA e do Canadá - não há opções para quotUSAquot e quotCanadaquot durante nosso processo de registro. Se você escolheu outro país para criar uma conta conosco e, em seguida, depositar fundos sem sequer entrar em contato com o Suporte ao Cliente - você assume a responsabilidade pelas conseqüências de sua ação. Todos os encargos e taxas para transferências de retirada são claramente estabelecidos em nosso site: alparientradingdepositwithdrawal. Mantenha-se afastado de Alpari. org em 18 de março de 2016, recebi um e-mail de Pavel. Gorbunovalpari. org afirmando que eles gostariam de anunciar seu corretor no nosso site. Total de usd200 para anúncios de artigos. Cumprimos o trabalho e pedíamos pagamento. Neste ponto, Pavel. Gorbunovalpari. org se recusa a reconhecer que ele em nome da alpari. org nos ofereceu para o anúncio. Embora tivéssemos exibido todos os detalhes enviados por ele sobre suas ofertas para nós, este Pavel. Gorbunovalpari. org contornou a questão e faz engraçado o nosso pedido. Este é um comportamento antiético de alguém de alpari que se recusou a pagar usd200. Uma vez que usd200 não é um grande problema para nós, simplesmente o ignoramos quando ele nos acusou de chantageá-los. Obteve todos os e-mails como prova, todos os artigos que eles fornecem e agora eles nos acusaram por chantageá-los. Eu me pergunto como Alpari pode contratar esse cara para sua companhia. Estou aqui para informar todos vocês que possam se interessar por se juntar a este corretor para ficar longe deles. Se eles puderem mentir pelo menos de USd200 o custo da propaganda para o seu rótulo. Simplesmente imaginou o que eles podem fazer pelo seu dinheiro. Resposta por Alpari enviada 24 de novembro de 2016: Olá, especifique seu e-mail de contato ou web (você pode fazer Através de uma mensagem privada no fórum) - vamos analisar esta questão. Tempo real após horas Informações pré-mercado Resumo das citações do resumo Cotações Gráficos interativos Configuração padrão Por favor, note que, uma vez que você faça sua seleção, ela se aplicará a todas as visitas futuras a NASDAQ. Se, a qualquer momento, você estiver interessado em reverter as nossas configurações padrão, selecione Configuração padrão acima. Se você tiver dúvidas ou encontrar quaisquer problemas na alteração das configurações padrão, envie um email para isfeedbacknasdaq. Confirme a sua seleção: Você selecionou para alterar sua configuração padrão para a Pesquisa de orçamento. Esta será a sua página de destino padrão, a menos que você altere sua configuração novamente ou exclua seus cookies. Tem certeza de que deseja alterar suas configurações. Temos um favor a pedir. Desative seu bloqueador de anúncios (ou atualize suas configurações para garantir que o javascript e os cookies estejam habilitados), para que possamos continuar fornecendo as notícias de mercado de primeira linha E os dados que você esperou de nós. Tagged com Mafia Bank Crimes Pay: Under the Thumb of the Global Financial Mafiocracy Por: Andrew Gavin Marshall 27 de novembro de 2015 Originalmente publicado no Occupy em 13 de novembro, o United Kingdoms Serious Fraud Office (SFO) Anunciou que estava cobrando 10 banqueiros individuais, trabalhando para dois bancos separados, Deutsche Bank e Barclays, com fraude sobre o seu equipamento das taxas Euribor. O último anúncio resplandece novamente nos escândalos e nos comportamentos criminosos que passaram a definir o mundo da banca global. Até à data, apenas um punhado dos maiores bancos mundiais tem sido repetidamente investigado, cobrado, multado ou resolvido em relação a uma sucessão de grandes golpes financeiros, começando com a fraude hipotecária e o escândalo Libor em 2012, o escândalo Euribor e o Forex (estrangeiro Troca). No coração desses escândalos, que envolvem a manipulação de taxas de juros em trilhões de dólares em transações, há um punhado de bancos que, coletivamente, formam um cartel no controle dos mercados financeiros globais e a fonte de crises econômicas e financeiras mundiais. Bancos como o HSBC, o JPMorgan Chase, o Barclays, o Bank of America, o Citigroup, o Deutsche Bank, o Royal Bank of Scotland e a UBS estabelecem o poder financeiro global que reconhecemos como fraude. Os dois, afinal, não são mutuamente exclusivos. Em termos mais explícitos, este cartel de bancos funciona como um tipo de máfia financeira global, manipulando mercados e defraudando investidores, consumidores e países, exigindo sua libra de carne sob a forma de pagamentos de juros. Os bancos forçam as nações a impor medidas de austeridade e reformas estruturais sob a ameaça de cortar o financiamento, enquanto eles lavam dinheiro da droga para outros cartéis e sindicatos do crime organizado. Chame-os da Mafiocracia global. Em maio, seis grandes bancos globais foram multados em quase 6 bilhões pela manipulação do mercado cambial, que administra mais de 5 trilhões em transações diárias. Quatro dos seis bancos se declararam culpados de acusações de conspirar para manipular o preço de dólares dos EUA e os euros trocados. Esses bancos eram Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays e Royal Bank of Scotland, enquanto dois bancos adicionais, UBS e Bank of America, foram multados, mas não se declararam culpados pelos encargos específicos. Os comerciantes de Forex no Citigroup, o JPMorgan Chase e outros bancos conspiraram para manipular os preços da moeda através de grupos de salas de bate-papo que estabeleceram, onde usaram arrogantemente nomes como 8220The Mafia8221 e 8220The Cartel.8221 O FBI disse que as investigações e acusações contra os grandes bancos revelaram comportamento criminoso em Uma escala maciça. O banco britânico Barclays pagou a maior multa individual em cerca de 2,3 bilhões. Mas como um comerciante no banco escreveu em uma conversa de sala de chat em 2010, se você não está traindo, você não está tentando. As multas totais, embora numericamente grandes, eram apenas uma pequena fração da capitalização de mercado global de cada banco, embora a multa no Barclays totalizasse cerca de 3,4 da capitalização de mercado dos bancos, a porcentagem mais alta de longe entre o grupo. Apesar das acusações de conspiração criminal cobrindo os anos de 2007 a 2013, os bancos e seus principais funcionários continuam a culpar os pés de comerciantes individuais. Axel Weber, ex-presidente do Bundesbank alemão (banco central da Alemanha), que agora é presidente do maior banco da Suíça, UBS, comentou que a conduta de um pequeno número de funcionários era inaceitável e tomámos medidas disciplinares adequadas. Olhando para a maior escala de multas e fraude bancárias em cerca de oito anos desde a crise financeira global, os números aumentam substancialmente. Além de uma liquidação de 2012 para fraude relacionada à hipoteca no mercado imobiliário dos EUA, que totalizou cerca de 25 bilhões, vários grandes bancos pagaram multas individuais relacionadas à fraude hipotecária e de encerramento, incluindo uma multa de 16 bilhões para o Bank of America e 13 bilhões para JPMorgan Chase. Além disso, são aplicadas multas relacionadas à manipulação da taxa Libor (a taxa de juros a que os bancos se emprestam) e a manipulação Forex, bem como o branqueamento de capitais, violando sanções, manipulando o preço do ouro, manipulando o mercado de eletricidade dos EUA E ajudando a evasão fiscal, entre outros crimes. De acordo com um artigo de pesquisa publicado em junho, o custo total dos litígios (multas, penalidades, liquidações, etc.) pagos por 16 grandes bancos globais desde 2010 atingiu mais de 300 bilhões. O Banco da América pagou o máximo, totalizando mais de 66 bilhões, seguido por JPMorgan Chase, Lloyds, Citigroup, Barclays, RBS, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, BNP Paribas, Santander, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, UBS, National Australia Bank, Standard Chartered e Socit Gnrale. Praticamente todos esses bancos também aparecem em uma lista de dados, compilados até 2007, revelando que eles estão entre as instituições financeiras mais interconectadas e poderosas do mundo. Este grupo central de corporações faz parte de uma rede de 147 instituições financeiras que os cientistas suíços se referem como super-entidade, que, por meio de suas diversas participações, controlam e se detinham coletivamente e cerca de 40 das 43 mil maiores corporações transnacionais mundiais. Em outras palavras, os grandes bancos, junto com grandes companhias de seguros e empresas de gestão de ativos, simplesmente não agem como um cartel em termos de atividades criminosas, mas formam uma rede funcionalmente interdependente de controle financeiro e corporativo global. Além disso, os bancos trabalham em conjunto em várias associações industriais e grupos de lobby onde representam oficialmente seus interesses coletivos. Os maiores bancos e instituições financeiras europeias são representados pela mesa redonda de serviços financeiros europeus (EFR), cuja composição é composta por CEOs ou presidentes de cerca de 25 das principais instituições financeiras do continente, incluindo o Deutsche Bank, AXA, HSBC, Allianz, RBS, ING, Barclays, BNP Paribas, UBS e Credit Suisse, entre outros. Nos Estados Unidos, o Financial Services Forum (FSF) representa o maior americano junto com alguns bancos e instituições financeiras europeias. A participação nos Fóruns é composta por menos de 20 executivos, incluindo os CEOs ou Presidentes de empresas como Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, UBS, HSBC, AIG, Bank of New York Mellon, State Street Corporation, Deutsche Bank e Wells Fargo, entre outros. E em uma escala verdadeiramente global, existe o Instituto de Finanças Internacionais (IIF), a principal associação global que representa o setor financeiro, com uma participação de quase 500 instituições diferentes de mais de 70 países ao redor do mundo, incluindo bancos, companhias de seguros, Empresas de gestão de ativos, fundos soberanos, bancos centrais, agências de classificação de crédito, hedge funds e bancos de desenvolvimento. Além desses vários grupos e associações, muitos dos mesmos grandes bancos e seus altos executivos também servem como membros, líderes ou participantes em grupos e fóruns muito mais secretos, por exemplo, a Conferência Monetária Internacional (IMC), uma reunião anual de centenas Dos melhores banqueiros mundiais hospedados pela American Bankers Association, que convida políticos selecionados, banqueiros centrais e ministros das finanças a participar de suas discussões fora do registro. Além disso, existe o Institut International d8217Etudes Bancaires, ou IIEB, que reúne os principais funcionários de dezenas de instituições financeiras europeias para discussões com banqueiros centrais, presidentes e primeiros ministros em sessões fechadas com praticamente nenhum Cobertura na mídia. Essas instituições financeiras são grandes proprietários da dívida pública, o que lhes dá uma alavancagem ainda maior sobre as políticas e prioridades dos governos. Exercendo esse poder, eles normalmente exigem o mesmo: medidas de austeridade e reformas estruturais8221 projetadas para promover uma economia de mercado neoliberal que, em última instância, beneficia os mesmos bancos e corporações. Os bancos, por sua vez, criam as próprias crises que exigem que os governos os resgatem, acumulando grandes dívidas que os bancos se transformam em novas crises, pressionando reformas econômicas em troca de novos empréstimos. O ciclo de crise e controle continua e, ao mesmo tempo, os grandes bancos e as instituições financeiras envolvem conspirações criminosas, fraudes, manipulações e lavagem de dinheiro em grande escala, inclusive atuando como o braço de serviços financeiros dos maiores cartéis da droga do mundo. Organizações terroristas. Bem-vindo ao mundo governado pela Mafiocracia financeira global, porque se você não está preocupado, você não está prestando atenção. Banqueiros do HSBC testemunhando antes do Senado dos Estados Unidos sobre lavagem de bilhões de dólares em dinheiro da droga (foto cortesia de The Economist, 21 de julho de 2012) Este ensaio é o produto da pesquisa realizada para o primeiro volume do Projeto de livro The People8217s. Doe para ajudar o primeiro volume a chegar: o estudo das instituições, idéias e indivíduos de poder e resistência em um instante do mundo de hoje, olhando a crise econômica global, a guerra e o império, a repressão e a globalização. Propagação de movimentos anti-austeridade e resistência. Gostaria de apresentá-lo, o leitor, a algumas realidades do nosso sistema bancário global, apoiando-se na retórica dos mercados livres, mas funcionando, na realidade, como um cartel global, uma super-entidade na qual os principais bancos do mundo possuem Um ao outro e possui as ações de controle das maiores corporações multinacionais do mundo, influenciam os governos e as políticas com os políticos em seus bolsos traseiros, envolvem rotineiramente fraude e suborno e lavam centenas de bilhões de dólares em dinheiro da droga, para não mencionar armas e terroristas financiamento. Estes são os demais para falhar e muito grande para presos bancos, o centro da nossa economia global, o que chamamos de mercado livre, o que implica que os bancos e corporações globais reinarão gratuitamente para fazer o que quiserem, participarem de atividades descaradamente criminosas, Roubar trilhões em riqueza que está escondida no mar e nunca mais do que uma bofetada no pulso. Este é o verdadeiro mercado livre, um cartel bancário global altamente lucrativo, que funciona como uma máfia financeira mundial. A pesquisa científica revela a existência de uma Super-Entidade financeira global Em outubro de 2011, o New Scientist informou que um estudo científico sobre o sistema financeiro global foi realizado por três teóricos de sistemas complexos no Instituto Federal Suíço de Tecnologia de Zurique, na Suíça. A conclusão do estudo revelou o que muitos teóricos e observadores notaram há anos, décadas e até mesmo séculos: uma análise das relações entre 43 mil corporações transnacionais identificou um grupo relativamente pequeno de empresas, principalmente bancos, com poder desproporcional sobre o economia global . Como afirmou um dos pesquisadores, a Realidade é tão complexa, devemos nos afastar do dogma, seja suas teorias de conspiração ou o mercado livre8230. Nossa análise é baseada na realidade. Com base em um banco de dados que alistou 37 milhões de empresas e investidores em todo o mundo, os pesquisadores estudaram as 43.060 empresas transnacionais (TNCs), incluindo os donos de ações que as ligam.1 O mapeamento do poder foi através da construção de um modelo que mostra quais empresas controlaram quais outros Empresas através de participações. A rede de propriedade revelou um núcleo de 1.318 empresas com vínculos com duas ou mais empresas. Este núcleo foi encontrado com cerca de 80 de receita global para todo o conjunto de 43 mil TNCs. E, em seguida, veio o que os pesquisadores chamaram de super-entidade de 147 empresas bem apertadas, que se possuem e possuem, coletivamente, 40 da riqueza total em toda a rede. Um dos pesquisadores observou: Com efeito, menos de 1% das empresas conseguiram controlar 40% de toda a rede. Esta rede representa um grande risco para a economia global, pois, se uma empresa sofre distress8230 isso se propaga. O estudo foi realizado com um conjunto de dados estabelecido antes da crise econômica, portanto, à medida que a crise financeira forçou alguns bancos a morrer (Lehman Bros.) e outros a se fundirem, a super-entidade ficaria ainda mais conectada, concentrada e Problemático para a economia.2 As 50 principais empresas incluídas na lista da super-entidade (a partir de 2007): Barclays Plc (1), Capital Group Companies Inc (2), FMR Corporation (3), AXA (4), State Street Corporation (5), JP Morgan Chase amp Co. (6), UBS AG (9), Merrill Lynch amp Co Inc (10), Deutsche Bank (12), Credit Suisse Group (14), Bank of New York Mellon Corp (16), Goldman Sachs Group (18), Morgan Stanley (21), Socit Gnrale (24), Bank of America Corporation (25), Lloyds TSB Group (26), Lehman Brothers Holdings (34), Sun Life Financial ( 35), ING Groep (41), BNP Paribas (46) e vários outros.3 Nos Estados Unidos, cinco bancos controlam a metade da economia: JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo e Goldman Sachs Group coletivamente Realizou 8,5 trilhões de ativos no final de 2011, o que equivale a cerca de 56 da economia dos EUA. Estes dados foram de acordo com banqueiros centrais na Reserva Federal. Em 2007, os ativos dos maiores bancos totalizaram 43 da economia dos EUA. Assim, a crise tornou os bancos maiores e mais poderosos do que nunca. Porque o governo invocou muito grande para falhar, o que significa que os grandes bancos serão salvos porque são muito importantes, os grandes bancos têm incentivo para assumir riscos cada vez maiores, porque serão resgatados no final. Essencialmente, é uma apólice de seguro para o comportamento criminal de tomada de risco. O ex-presidente do Banco da Reserva Federal de Minneapolis afirmou, os participantes do mercado acreditam que nada mudou, que também - grande para falhar está totalmente intacto. Lembre-se, o mercado significa o cartel bancário (ou super-entidade, se você preferir). Assim, eles criam novas bolhas e compram títulos do governo (dívida soberana), tornando o sistema financeiro global cada vez mais inseguro e em risco de um colapso maior do que ocorreu em 2008.4 Quando políticos, economistas e outros se referem aos mercados financeiros, eles são na realidade Referindo-se à super-entidade das instituições financeiras corporativas que dominam, coletivamente, a economia global. Por exemplo, o papel dos mercados financeiros na crise da dívida que assolam a Europa nos últimos dois anos é muitas vezes referido como disciplina de mercado, com os mercados financeiros especulando contra a capacidade das nações de pagar suas dívidas ou juros, as agências de classificação de crédito que degradam o crédito - signibilidade das nações, de rendimentos mais altos em títulos soberanos (maior interesse na dívida pública) e mergulhando o país em crise, forçando a sua classe política a impor medidas de austeridade e ajuste estrutural para restaurar a confiança do mercado. Este processo é chamado de disciplina de mercado, mas é mais precisamente, terrorismo financeiro ou guerra de mercado, com o termo mercado se referindo especificamente à super-entidade. Seja o que você chamar, a disciplina do mercado é, em última instância, um eufemismo para a guerra de classes.5 O Supra-Governo Global e o Mercado Livre Em dezembro de 2011, Roger Altman, ex-Secretário Adjunto do Tesouro sob a administração Clinton, escreveu um artigo para o Financial Tiempos em que ele explicou que os mercados financeiros estavam atuando como um supra-governo global, observando: Eles expulsam regimes entrincheirados onde os processos políticos normais não poderiam fazê-lo. Forçam austeridade, resgates bancários e outras grandes mudanças políticas. Sua influência diminui as instituições multilaterais, como o Fundo Monetário Internacional. De fato, deixando de lado as armas nucleares inutilizáveis, se tornaram a força mais poderosa da Terra.6 Altman continuou, explicando que, quando o poder desse supra-governo global é flexionado, o impacto imediato sobre a sociedade pode ser doloroso, um desemprego mais amplo, por exemplo, Resultados freqüentes e os governos falham. Mas, é claro, sendo um ex-funcionário do Departamento do Tesouro, ele passou a endossar o supra-governo global, escrevendo, os efeitos a longo prazo podem ser muitas vezes transformadores e positivos. Ominosimo, Altman concluiu: se este poder é saudável ou não está fora do ponto. É permanente, e não há como parar o novo papel policial dos mercados financeiros.7 Em outras palavras, o supra-governo global super-entidade dos mercados financeiros realiza a extorsão financeira, derruba governos e empobrece as populações, mas isso é, em última análise, positivo E permanente, pelo menos da visão de um ex-funcionário do Departamento do Tesouro. Do ponto de vista daqueles que estão sendo empobrecidos, as populações reais, positivas, não são necessariamente a palavra que vem à mente. Na era da globalização, o dinheiro ou o capital flui facilmente através das fronteiras, com bancos, hedge funds e outras instituições financeiras atuando como as vanguardas de uma nova ordem internacional de governança global. Onde as finanças vão, as corporações seguem onde as empresas se aventuram, estados poderosos mantêm a guarda de seus interesses. Nosso sistema global é um dos capitalistas estaduais, onde os interesses estaduais e corporativos são interdependentes e mutuamente benéficos, pelo menos para aqueles que estão no poder. Hoje, as instituições financeiras com bancos à frente alcançaram poder e influência sem precedentes nas sociedades capitalistas do estado. Os bancos são maiores do que nunca na história, protegidos por uma apólice de seguro que chamamos de grande demais para falhar, o que significa que, apesar do seu comportamento criminoso e imprudente, o governo intervirá para resgatá-los, como sempre aconteceu. Os mercados financeiros também incluem agências de classificação de crédito, que determinam a suposta capacidade de crédito de outros bancos, corporações e países inteiros. Quanto menor o rating de crédito, mais arriscado o investimento e, portanto, quanto maior for o interesse para essa entidade emprestar dinheiro. Os países que não seguem os ditames do mercado financeiro são punidos com menores ratings de crédito, maior interesse, ataques especulativos e, nos casos de Grécia e Itália em novembro de 2011, seus governos democraticamente eleitos são simplesmente removidos e substituídos por administrações tecnocráticas Composto por banqueiros e economistas que, em seguida, promovem políticas de austeridade e ajuste que empobrecem e exploram suas populações. Na era do supra-governo global da super-entidade, não há tempo para chocar com o tremendo processo de democracia liberal formal, eles significam negócios e, se seus governos eleitos não sucumbem à disciplina do mercado, serão removidos e substituídos No que em qualquer outra circunstância é referido como um golpe. Bancos e instituições financeiras fornecem liquidez ou recursos para o que chamamos de mercados livres. Os mercados livres, em princípio, permitiriam a livre concorrência entre empresas e países, cada um produzindo sua própria vantagem comparativa produzindo o que eles são melhores e negociando com outros no mercado internacional, de modo que todas as partes aumentem em padrões de vida e riqueza juntos. O mercado livre é, claro, pura mitologia. Na prática, o que chamamos de mercados livres é realmente altamente protecionista, regimentado, regulamentado e projetado para prejudicar a concorrência e reforçar a monopolização. Os mercados livres servem esse objetivo em benefício de grandes corporações multinacionais e bancos. Quando usamos o termo mercados livres, geralmente nos referimos à economia real, legítima e legal. Quando se trata de mercados ilegítimos, por exemplo, o comércio global de drogas, não nos referimos a eles como mercados livres, mas sim ilegais e administrados por cartéis. Os cartéis, como as corporações, são instituições totalitárias hierarquicamente organizadas, onde as decisões e o poder e exercem-se de cima para baixo, com essencialmente nenhuma entrada passando de baixo para cima. Grandes corporações multinacionais, como grandes cartéis internacionais, procuram controlar seu mercado particular em países, regiões e além. Muitas vezes, a cooperação entre as empresas lhes permite funcionar de forma oligopolística, onde dominam coletivamente todo o mercado, criando-se entre eles. Principais empresas de petróleo, empresas agroindustriais, empresas de telecomunicações, farmacêuticas, militares e empresas de gerenciamento de água são bem conhecidas por esses tipos de atividades. Os cartéis têm sido frequentemente conhecidos por se engajar em uma prática similar, embora tipicamente eles sejam mais competitivos uns com os outros. Quando os interesses são ameaçados, que é definido como quando uma corporação ou cartel corre o risco de perder o seu domínio total de seu mercado em uma região particular, surge o conflito e, muitas vezes, de forma violenta, com o potencial de golpes, assassinatos, campanhas terroristas e guerra. Isto é, quando o Estado intervém para proteger o mercado do cartel ou interesses corporativos. Assim, um mercado como o comércio global de drogas funciona de forma relativamente semelhante à da economia legítima, farmacêutica, energia, tecnologia, etc. O comércio ilícito de drogas é tanto um mercado livre quanto o comércio de automóveis ou petróleo. E, claro, o dinheiro acaba no mesmo lugar: o supra-governo global dos mercados financeiros. Cartel bancário ou Drug Cartel8230 ou Qual é a diferença Em 2009, o Escritório das Nações Unidas sobre Drogas e Crime informou que bilhões de dólares em dinheiro da droga salvaram os principais bancos durante a crise financeira, proporcionando a necessária liquidez. Antonio Maria Costa, chefe do Escritório das Nações Unidas contra Drogas e Crime, afirmou que o dinheiro da droga era o único capital de investimento líquido disponível para os bancos à beira do colapso, com cerca de 325 bilhões em dinheiro da droga absorvido pelo sistema financeiro. Sem identificar países ou bancos específicos, a Costa afirmou que os empréstimos interbancários eram financiados por dinheiro proveniente do comércio de drogas e outras atividades ilegais8230. Havia sinais de que alguns bancos foram resgatados dessa maneira.8 Em 2010, o Wachovia Bank (agora de propriedade de Wells Fargo) resolveu a maior ação de acordo com o ato de segredo bancário dos EUA, pagando uma multa de 50 milhões mais confiscando 110 milhões de dinheiro da droga, dos quais o banco lavou cerca de 378,4 bilhões do México. O promotor federal no caso declarou, Wachovias flagrante desrespeito por nossas leis bancárias deu cartéis internacionais de cocaína uma carta carteira virtual para financiar suas operações. A multa que o banco pagou pelo lavagem de centenas de bilhões de dólares em dinheiro da droga foi inferior a 2 do lucro dos bancos em 2009, e na mesma semana do acordo, o estoque da Wells Fargos realmente aumentou. O banco admitiu em um comunicado de liquidação que, já em 2004, Wachovia entendeu o risco de manter essa conta, mas apesar dessas advertências, Wachovia permaneceu no negócio. O investigador principal nas operações de lavagem de dinheiro, Martin Woods, com base em Londres, descobriu que Wachovia havia recebido cerca de seis ou sete mil intimações para obter informações sobre sua operação mexicana pelo governo federal, da qual Woods comentou: Um número absurdo. Então, em que ponto, alguém no mais alto nível não tem a sensação de que algo é muito, muito errado. Woods tinha sido contratado pela agência Wachovias London como um alto funcionário anti-lavagem de dinheiro em 2005 e quando, em 2007, uma investigação oficial foi aberta em Wachovias operações mexicanas, Woods foi informado pelo banco que ele não conseguiu executar em um padrão aceitável. Em outras palavras, ele estava realmente fazendo seu trabalho. No que diz respeito ao acordo, a Woods afirmou: "As autoridades reguladoras não precisam gastar mais tempo nisso, e eles não têm que empurrá-lo até um julgamento criminal. Eles apenas emitam processos criminais e se estabelecem. As pessoas responsáveis ​​pela aplicação da lei fazem o que deveriam fazer, mas o que é o ponto. Todas aquelas pessoas que lidam com todo esse dinheiro com o narcotráfico e o assassinato, e ninguém vai à prisão9. Como o ex-cárdio do instituto das drogas e drogas Antônio Maria Costa Disse: A conexão entre crime organizado e instituições financeiras começou no final da década de 1970, no início dos anos 80, quando a máfia se tornou globalizada, assim como outros grandes mercados. Martin Woods acrescentou que, estes são o produto do assassinato e da miséria no México, e das drogas vendidas em todo o mundo, mas ninguém foi à cadeia, perguntando: o que o acordo faz para combater os cartéis. Nada, não faz o trabalho da lei A aplicação é mais fácil e encoraja os cartéis e quem quer ganhar dinheiro lavando seus dólares de sangue. Se o risco não existe. Ele acrescentou: É do interesse do povo americano encorajar tanto os cartéis da droga quanto os bancos dessa maneira. É interessante para o povo mexicano. É simples: se você não vê a correlação entre o lavagem de dinheiro por parte dos bancos e o 30 mil pessoas mortas no México, você está perdendo o assunto. Woods, que agora administra sua própria consultoria, disse ao Observer em 2011 que, Nova York e Londres8230 tornaram-se os dois maiores loteamentos mundiais de dinheiro criminal e de drogas e paraísos fiscais offshore. Não as Ilhas Cayman, nem a Ilha de Man ou Jersey. A grande lavagem é diretamente através da Cidade de Londres e Wall Street.10 Assim como o programa muito grande para falhar atua como uma apólice de seguro para que os grandes bancos se envolvam em atividades criminosas constantes, assumindo riscos financeiros cada vez maiores com a garantia de que eles Será resgatado, os assentamentos e a falta de processos criminais para o lavagem de dinheiro de drogas pelos bancos proporcionam o incentivo para continuar lavando centenas de bilhões em dinheiro da droga, porque, enquanto a multa for menor do que o lucro acumulado de tal prática, ela desce A uma simples análise de custo-benefício: se o custo do lavagem de dinheiro do medicamento for menor do que o benefício, continue com a política. A mesma análise custo-benefício é para todas as formas de atividade criminosa por bancos e corporações, seja suborno, fraude ou violação de regulamentos ambientais, trabalhistas e outros. Enquanto a penalidade for menor que o lucro, o problema continua. Um artigo no Observador de julho de 2012 referiu-se aos bancos globais como a ala de serviços financeiros dos cartéis da droga, observando que HSBC, o maior banco dos Britanos, havia sido convocado antes do Senado dos Estados Unidos para testemunhar sobre o lavagem de dinheiro com drogas de cartéis mexicanos, segurando um Uma conta suspeita por quatro anos em nome do maior cartel da droga no mundo, o cartel de Sinaloa no México.11 Na verdade, uma investigação plurianual sobre o HSBC revelou que o banco não era apenas um importante canal internacional de lavagem de dinheiro contra a droga, mas Também lavou dinheiro para clientes com vínculos com o terrorismo. Em julho de 2012, como o Senado estava investigando publicamente o HSBC, Antonio Maria Costa afirmou: Hoje não consigo pensar em um banco do mundo que não tenha sido penetrado pelo dinheiro da máfia. O comércio global de drogas é estimado em cerca de 380 bilhões anualmente, com a maior parte do dinheiro gerado nos mercados consumidores da América do Norte e Europa. Com o exemplo do mercado de cocaína de 35 bilhões por ano nos Estados Unidos, apenas cerca de 1,5 desses lucros se dirigem para os produtores de folha de coca (principalmente camponeses pobres) na América do Sul (que se tornaram o alvo do bombardeio e da guerra química Campanhas na guerra contra as drogas), enquanto os traficantes internacionais obtêm aproximadamente 13 dos lucros, com os 85 restantes obtidos pelos distribuidores nos EUA. O HSBC foi acusado de lavagem dos lucros dos distribuidores.12 O relatório do Senado dos EUA concluiu que o HSBC tinha Expôs o sistema financeiro dos EUA a uma grande variedade de lavagem de dinheiro, tráfico de drogas e financiamento do terrorismo, incluindo bilhões em receitas de vendas de drogas ilegais nos Estados Unidos. O HSBC reconheceu, em uma declaração oficial, que, no passado, às vezes não cumprimos os padrões que os reguladores e os clientes esperam. Entre os padrões que o HSBC às vezes não conseguiu atender, de acordo com a investigação do Senado, os financiamentos foram concedidos a bancos da Arábia Saudita e Bangladesh, que estavam vinculados a organizações terroristas, enquanto o regulador dos bancos não tomou uma única ação de execução contra o HSBC.13 Entre os Organizações terroristas que potencialmente receberam assistência financeira do HSBC através de bancos sauditas foi a Al-Qaeda. O HSBC colocou 700 milhões para cobrir eventuais multas para tais atividades, o que não é incomum para os bancos fazerem. Bancos como o ABN Amro, o Barclays, o Credit Suisse, o Lloyds e o ING chegaram a grandes assentamentos por admitir facilitar transações e se envolver em lavagem de dinheiro para clientes em Cuba, Irã, Líbia, Mianmar e Sudão.14 Como executivos do HSBC apareceram nos EUA. Senado, o chefe dos bancos de conformidade desde 2002, David Bagley, renunciou como ele testemunhou antes do comitê, comentando, apesar dos melhores esforços e intenções de muitos profissionais dedicados, o HSBC ficou sem nossas expectativas e as expectativas de nossos reguladores.15 Como Ed Vulliamy relatou no Observer. Em maio de 2012, um pobre homem negro chamado Edward Dorsey Sr. foi condenado por vender 5,5 gramas de cocaína crack em Washington D. C e recebeu 10 anos de prisão. Enquanto isso, no outro lado do rio, onde Dorsey havia cometido seu crime, executivos da HSBC admitiram antes do Senado dos Estados Unidos que lavaram bilhões em dinheiro da droga, assim como Wachovia admitiu no ano anterior, sem que ninguém fosse à prisão.16 A lição Disso é claro: se você é pobre, preto e está apanhado com alguns gramas de crack-cocaína, você pode esperar para a prisão por vários anos (ou neste caso, uma década), mas se você é rico, branco , Possui um banco e são capturados lavando bilhões de dólares (ou centenas de bilhões de dólares) em dinheiro da droga, você será multado (mas não o suficiente para tornar tais práticas não lucrativas) e pode ter que se demitir. Demasiado grande para falhar é simplesmente outra maneira de dizer muito grande para a prisão. É claro que não é justo responsabilizar o lavagem de dinheiro internacional de drogas nos ombros do HSBC e da Wachovia, como relatou Bloomberg, os cartéis de drogas mexicanos também canalizaram dinheiro através do Bank of America e até mesmo o setor bancário da American Express, do Banco Santander, and Citigroup.17 Even the FBI has accused Bank of America of laundering Mexican drug cartel funds.18 But its not just drug money that banks launder all sorts of illicit funds are laundered through major banks, many of which have been fined or are now being investigated for their criminal activities, including JPMorgan, Standard Chartered, Credit Suisse, Lloyds, Barclays, ING, and the Royal Bank of Scotland, among others.19 Another major Swiss bank, UBS, has been very consistent in committing fraud and engaging in various conspiracies, a great deal of which was committed against Americans, though the bank was given conditional immunity from the US Department of Justice.20 Financial Fraud and the Get Out of J ail Free Card The major banks of the world have been caught in conspiracies of ripping off small towns and cities across the United States, which allowed banks like JPMorgan Chase, GE Capital, UBS, Bank of America, Lehman Brothers, Wachovia, Bear Stearns, and others, to steal billions of dollars from schools, hospitals, libraries, and nursing homes from virtually every state, district and territory in the United States, according to a court settlement on the issue. The theft was done through the manipulation of the public bidding process, something that the Mafia has become experts in with regards to garbage and construction industry contracts. In short, the banking system actually functions like a Mafia cartel system, not to mention, taking money from the Mafia and cartels themselves.21 Banks like JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs engaged in bribery, fraud, and conspiracies which resulted in the bankruptcy of counties all across the United States.22 Still, they continue to be respected by the political class which refuses to punish them for their criminal activity, and instead, rewards them with bailouts and follows their instructions for policy. Over the summer of 2012, another major banking scandal hit the headlines, regarding the manipulation of the London inter-bank lending rate known as the Libor. The Libor rate, explained the Economist . determines the prices that people and corporations around the world pay for loans or receive for their savings, as it is used as a benchmark for establishing payments on an 800 trillion derivatives market, covering everything from interest rate derivatives to mortgages. Essentially, the Libor is the interest rate at which banks lend to each other on the short term, and is established through an honour system of where 18 major banks report their daily rates, from which an average is calculated. That average becomes the Libor rate, and reverberates throughout the entire global economy, setting a benchmark for a massive amount of transactions in the global derivatives market. Whereas the derivatives market is a massive casino of unregulated speculation, the Libor scandal revealed the cartel that owns the casino. The scandal began with Barclays, a 300-year old bank in Britain, revealing that several employees had been involved in rigging the Libor to suit their own needs. More banks quickly became implemented, and countries all over the world began opening investigations into this scandal and the role their own banks may have played in it. By early July, as many as 20 major banks were named in various investigations or lawsuits related to the rigging of the Libor.23 Among the major global banks which are being investigated by U. S. prosecutors are Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, UBS, Bank of America, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, Credit Suisse, Lloyds Banking Group, Rabobank, Royal Bank of Canada, Socit Gnrale, and others. Prosecutors in the U. S. U. K. Canada and Japan were investigating collusion between the major banks on the manipulation of the Libor. In June of 2012, Barclays paid a fine to US and UK authorities, admitting its culpability in the rigging with a 450 million settlement.24 With information and documents pouring out, implicating further banks and institutions in the scandal, a general consensus was emerging that the Libor had been manipulated since at least 2005, though, as one former Morgan Stanley trader wrote in the Financial Times . the rigging had began as early as 1991, if not before. The British Bankers Association was responsible for setting the Libor rate by polling roughly 18 major banks on their highest and lowest rates daily. Thus, rigging by one bank would require the co-operating of at least nine other banks in purposely manipulating their rates in order to have any effect upon the Libor. Douglas Keenan, the former Morgan Stanley trader, wrote that, it seems the misreporting of Libor rates may have been common practice since at least 1991.25 Rolf Majcen, the head of a hedge fund called FTC Capital told Der Spiegel that, the Libor manipulation is presumably the biggest financial scandal ever. As regulators were using words like organized fraud and banksters to describe the growing scandal, it was becoming common to refer to the major banks as functioning like a cartel or mafia.26 The CEO of Barclays, Bob Diamond, resigned in disgrace, as did Marcus Agius, the Chairman of Barclays (who also serves as a director on the board of BBC, and is married into the Rothschild banking dynasty). The cartel manipulated the Libor for a great number of reasons, among them, to appear to be in better health by rigging their credit ratings upwards.27 The Business Insider referred to the Libor rigging as a criminal conspiracy from the start, essentially designed to promote manipulation as the Libor was determined by an honor system for banks to properly report their rates.28 Imagine giving a pile of credit cards to a group of credit card fraud convicts and establishing an honour system. Could one truly be surprised if it didnt work out Well, the Libor scandal is effectively based upon the same logic, except that the repercussions are global in scope. Traders at the Royal Bank of Scotland referenced, in internal emails, to their participation in operating a cartel that made amazing amounts of money through the manipulation of interest rates, with a former senior trader at RBS writing that managers at the bank had condoned collusion. The same trader, who was later hung out to dry by RBS as a scapegoat, wrote in an email to a trader at Deutsche Bank that, It is a cartel now in London, where the Libor is established.29 The cartel, however, did not simply include the major banks, but also required the cooperation or at least negligence of regulators and central banks. Documents released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Bank of England show correspondence between then-President of the NY Fed Timothy Geithner (who is now Obamas Treasury Secretary) and Bank of England Governor Mervyn King discussing how Barclays was manipulating the Libor rates during the 2008 financial crisis. While the NY Fed corresponded with both the Bank of England and Barclays itself on the acknowledgment of interest rate manipulation, it never told the bank to stop the rigging practice. An official at Barclays even informed the NYFed in 2008 that the bank was under-reporting the rate at which it could borrow from other banks so that Barclays could avoid the stigma of appearing to be weaker than its peers, adding that other participating banks were also under-reporting their Libor submissions.30 A Barclays employee told the New York Fed in an April 2008 phone call that, We know that were not posting um, an honest Libor8230 and yet we are doing it, because, um, if we didnt do it, it draws, um, unwanted attention on ourselves. The New York Fed official replied: You have to accept it8230 I understand. Despite its against what you would like to do. I understand completely. Several months later, a Barclays employee told a New York Fed official that the Libor rates were still absolute rubbish.31 While the New York Fed expressed sympathy for the poor and helpless global banks need to engage in fraud and interest rate manipulation in order to lie and appear to be healthier than it was, the Bank of England went a step further, when Paul Tucker, the head of markets at the BoE wrote a note to Barclays CEO Bob Diamond in 2008 suggesting that Barclays lower its Libor rate, thus encouraging the rigging itself, instead of just expressing sympathy for the need to commit fraud.32 The main British banking lobby group, the British Bankers Association (BBA), which was responsible for overseeing the Libor rate process (no conflict of interest there, right), was, in late September of 2012, stripped of its right to oversee the Libor, to be replaced with a formal regulator. The BBAs oversight of Libor dates back to 1984, when the City of London (Britains Wall Street) had begun an experiment to establish a new way of setting interest rates, asking the banking lobby group to set the rate in 1986 when the Libor began.33 The BBAs Foreign Exchange and Money Markets Committee is responsible for setting the Libor, and they meet every two months to review the process in secret without any minutes being published, and even the membership of the Committee is kept a secret. Spokespersons at Credit Suisse, Royal Bank of Scotland, and UBS refused to comment on whether they had any representatives on the committee, while Barclays, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Bank of America and Citigroup didnt even respond to emailed inquiries about their involvement with the committee, as Bloomberg reported. A British regulator, in the understatement of the century, stated, There is an apparent lack of transparency, adding that the BBAs committee doesnt appear to be sufficiently open and transparent to provide the necessary degree of accountability to firms and markets with a direct interest in being assured of the integrity of Libor.34 When the fox guards the henhouse, it takes a great deal of stupidity to be surprised when some hens go missing. In an April 2008 meeting with officials at the Bank of England, Angela Knight, the head of the British Bankers Association, suggested that the BBA perhaps should no longer be responsible for oversight of the worlds most important number, which had become too big for the BBA to manage. No one at the meeting cared enough to do anything about it, however, and so nothing changed.35 Where was the incentive to change the system, after all Yes, massive fraud was taking place, and this was well understood by the banks committing it, as well as the regulators and central banks overseeing it. But on the plus side, everyone was getting away with it. So indeed, there was no incentive to change the system. From the point of view of those managing it, the Libor was functioning as it should. A cartel was established because a cartel was desired. The fact that it was all highly illegal, fraudulent, and immoral was and is beside the point. Mexican drug cartels do not worry about the legality of their operations because they are, by definition, illegal . They worry simply about getting away with their illegal operations. The same can be said for the global banking cartel. So long as they get away with criminal cartel operations, there is no incentive to change the system, and instead, there is only an incentive to expand and further entrench the cartels operations. Canadas antitrust regulator began an investigation into the international cartel of banks rigging the Libor, focusing on the role played by banks such as JP Morgan Chase, Royal bank of Scotland, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, and Citigroup, among others. A law professor at the University of Toronto who was hired by the regulator to study the case commented that, international cartels are of a significant concern for the Canadian economy.36 We have truly reached an impressive circumstance when the actual regulators of the banks refer to the banking system as an international cartel. A lawsuit was being filed by several homeowners in the U. S. who were attempting to sue some of the worlds largest banks for fraud, as the Libor manipulation sparked increases on their mortgages, resulting in illegal profits for banks. The class action lawsuit filed in New York in October of 2012 accused banks such as Bank of America, Citigroup, Barclays, UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank and others of fraud over a period of ten years.37 For U. S. states and municipalities that bought interest-rate swaps before the financial crisis, the Libor rigging was poised to more than double their losses. Banks had sold roughly 500 billion of interest-rate swaps (in the derivatives market) to municipalities before the financial crisis, with roughly 200 billion of those swaps tied to the Libor. As one legal expert who studies derivatives told Bloomberg . Almost all interest-rate swaps begin with Libor. This prompted several states in the U. S. to begin their own investigations into how the Libor-rigging may have negatively affected them.38 Punishing the Worlds Population into Poverty: Life Under the Global Cartel While the global cartel of criminal banks rig rates, launder drug money, fund terrorists, engage in bribery, fraud and demand multi-trillion dollar bailouts from our governments (effectively selling their bad debts to the public), and then give themselves massive bonuses, they are also demanding through what is called market discipline that our governments deal with our debts by undertaking policies of austerity and structural reform, which are euphemisms for impoverishment and exploitation. Thus, after the cartel helped create a massive financial crisis, and after our governments rewarded them for their criminal activity, the cartel now demands that our governments punish their populations into poverty and open their economies, resources and labour up for cheap and easy exploitation by banks and multinational corporations. This is referred to as the solution for getting out of the Great Recession, and which is sure to great a Great Depression. Greece is now two and a half years into its austerity and adjustment reforms, with its debt growing as a result, poverty exploding, misery spreading, health, education, welfare rapidly declining, suicide rates and hunger increasing, as the Greek people are subjected to a program of social genocide. Market discipline demands austerity and adjustment, or in other words, class warfare creates poverty and exploitation.39 Countries that refuse to implement programs of austerity and adjustment are subjected to financial terrorism by the international cartel, as financial markets engage in market discipline by using the derivatives market to speculate against that particular countrys ability to pay its interest or debt, thus making its credit ratings decrease and borrowing rates increase, plunging the country into a deeper crisis. In any other scenario, this is called terrorism or in the very least, extortion: do what I say or I will punish you and destroy you. This is what former U. S. Treasury official Roger Altman referred to in the Financial Times as the new global supra-government who can force austerity, banking bail-outs and other major policy changes, and thus, have become the most powerful force on earth.40 Countries, regional, and international organizations all bow down to the dictates of the international cartel of the global supra-government, and so countries like Greece, Spain, Ireland, Italy, and Portugal, organizations like the European Union, European Central Bank, powerful states like Germany, France, Britain, and the U. S. and other international organizations like the IMF, Bank for International Settlements, and the OECD all demand and implement austerity measures and structural reforms. Either they follow the orders of the cartel which we commonly refer to as the invisible hand of the free market or they directly challenge the most powerful force on earth. In the global economy, a small country like Greece standing up to the global supra-government is much like a small Greek restaurant trying to stand up to the city Mafia. In the U. S. states that were defrauded in the billions of dollars by the cartel, and took on major debts as a result, are now the harbingers of austerity in America. Beginning in 2010, roughly 20 states across the U. S. began implementing austerity measures, and have been doing much worse economically as a result (the predicted effect of austerity). Even the institutions which are the most militant in demanding austerity measures, such as the European Union and the IMF, have acknowledged in recent reports that countries which pursue austerity to supposedly reduce their debts end up getting much larger debts as a result, and that such measures are actually extremely damaging to economies. This is not news, of course, since there is a rather large sample of data from the past 30 years of forced austerity and adjustment measures across Africa, Asia, and Latin America (at the behest of the IMF, World Bank, western governments, and of course, the cartel), which show quite clearly the effect that austerity and adjustment have in rapidly expanding poverty and facilitating exploitation. As austerity is hitting several U. S. states, jobs are lost and poverty increases with debt, standards of living decline and the recession deepens into a depression. The population is essentially punished for the crimes of the global cartel, while public employees, pensioners, welfare recipients, teachers and workers get the blame.41 In late October of 2012, the CEOs of 80 major corporations and banks in the United States banded together (as any well functioning cartel does) in order to pressure Congress, regardless of who the next President is, to pursue an agenda of harsh austerity measures and structural reforms. In a statement to Congress signed by the 80 CEOs, the American branch of the global cartel (its most significant branch), demanded that policies be enacted immediately, though implemented gradually, to give Americans time to prepare for the changes in the federal budget. Among the demands are to reform Medicare and Medicaid, healthcare, Social Security, increase taxes, and generally reduce spending. All of this amounts to a large federal program of austerity, to cut social spending and increase taxes on the population, thus impoverishing the population. This, in the words of the letter to Congress, must be bipartisan and reforms to all areas of the budget should be included.42 Among the signatories to the letter were the CEOs of ATampT, Bank of America, BlackRock, Boeing, Caterpillar, Dow Chemical Company, General Electric, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Merck, Microsoft, Motorola, Time Warner, and Verizon, among many others.43 This followed roughly one week after a group of 15 major global bank CEOs sent a letter to President Obama and the U. S. Congress lecturing the U. S. political class on moral authority, giving their formal orders to the U. S. political establishment, that regardless of Democratic or Republican administrations, they are losing patience with the democratic apparatus of the state, and warned: The solvency, productive capacity, and stability of the United States, as well as its moral authority as a global leader, require that its fiscal challenges be credibly met. Among the signatories to the letter were the CEOs of Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo. The Wall Street Journal . reporting on this letter, commented that even for a dying democracy, its embarrassing enough to see bankers telling our government what to do, but in this letter, we even see foreign bankers telling our government what to do, as other CEOs of the global cartel signed the letter, from banks such as UBS, Credit Suisse, and Deutsche Bank. The consequences of inaction on the U. S. debt, read the letter, would be very grave. In other words, the U. S. political class has received a threat from the global cartel that it is now time to implement austerity and adjustment measures, or to face the consequences of financial terrorism.44 Hiding the Loot: The Offshore Economy in the Age of the Global Plutonomy While people are being forced into poverty to pay off the bad debts of the super-entity global banking cartel of drug-money laundering banks which make up the global supra-government, the richest people in the world have been hiding their wealth in offshore tax havens, and of course, with the help of those same banks. James Henry, a former chief economist at McKinsey, a major global consultancy, published a major report on tax havens in July of 2012 for the Tax Justice Network, compiling data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the IMF and other private sector entities which revealed that the worlds superrich have hidden between 21 and 32 trillion offshore to avoid taxation. Henry stated: This offshore economy is large enough to have a major impact on estimates of inequality of wealth and income on estimates of national income and debt ratios and most importantly to have very significant negative impacts on the domestic tax bases of source countries. John Christensen of the Tax Justice Network commented that, Inequality is much, much worse than official statistics show, but politicians are still relying on trickle-down to transfer wealth to poorer people8230 This new data shows the exact opposite has happened: for three decades extraordinary wealth has been cascading into the offshore accounts of a tiny number of super-rich. Roughly 92,000 of the super-rich, globally, hold at least 10 trillion in offshore wealth. In many cases, the worth of these offshore assets far exceeds the debts of the countries that they flow from, the same debts that are used to keep these countries and their populations in poverty and a constant state of exploitation.45 The estimated total of hidden offshore wealth amounts to more than the combined GDP of the United States and Japan, hidden in secretive financial jurisdictions like Switzerland and the Cayman Islands. The process of hiding this wealth is largely facilitated by the major global banks, which compete with one another to attract the assets of the worlds super-rich. James Henry explained that the wealth of the worlds super-rich is protected by a highly paid, industrious bevy of professional enablers in the private banking, legal, accounting and investment industries taking advantage of the increasingly borderless, frictionless global economy more of that free market magic. The top ten banks in the world, which include UBS and Credit Suisse (based in Switzerland) as well as Goldman Sachs in the United States, collectively managed roughly 6.4 trillion in offshore accounts for 2010 alone. As the report revealed, for many developing countries the cumulative value of the capital that has flowed out of their economies since the 1970s would be more than enough to pay off their debts to the rest of the world, debts which are largely illegitimate as it stands. This trend is exacerbated in the oil-rich states of the world such as Nigeria, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. The report stated: The problem here is that the assets of these countries are held by a small number of wealthy individuals while the debts are shouldered by the ordinary people of these countries through their governments. With roughly half of the worlds offshore wealth belonging to the top 92,000 richest individuals, they represent the top 0.001, a far more extreme global disparity than that which is invoked by the Occupy movements 1 paradigm. Henry commented: The very existence of the global offshore industry, and the tax-free status of the enormous sums invested by their wealthy clients, is predicated on secrecy.46 Remember, free market means that those who own the market (the global cartel), and free to do anything they please. A 2005 report from Citigroup coined the term plutonomy, to describe countries where economic growth is powered by and largely consumed by the wealthy few, and specifically identified the U. K. Canada, Australia, and the United States as four plutonomies. Keeping in mind that the report was published three years before the onset of the financial crisis in 2008, the Citigroup report stated: Asset booms, a rising profit share and favourable treatment by market-friendly governments have allowed the rich to prosper and become a greater share of the economy in the plutonomy countries, and that, the rich are in great shape, financially.47 Its only everyone else that is suffering, which by definition, is a well functioning economy. As the Federal Reserve reported, the nations top 1 of households own more than half the nations stocks, and they also control more than 16 trillion in wealth more than the bottom 90. The term Plutonomy is specifically used to describe a country that is defined by massive income and wealth inequality, and that they have three basic characteristics, according to the Citigroup report: 1. They are all created by disruptive technology-driven productivity gains, creative financial innovation, capitalist friendly cooperative governments, immigrantsthe rule of law and patenting inventions. Often these wealth waves involve great complexity exploited best by the rich and educated of the time. 2. There is no average consumer in Plutonomies. There is only the rich and everyone else. The rich account for a disproportionate chunk of the economy, while the non-rich account for surprisingly small bites of the national pie. Citigroup strategist Ajay Kapur estimates that in 2005, the richest 20 may have been responsible for 60 of total spending. 3. Plutonomies are likely to grow in the future, fed by capitalist-friendly governments, more technology-driven productivity and globalization.48 Kapur, who authored the Citigroup report, stated that there were also risks to the Plutonomy, including war, inflation, financial crises, the end of the technological revolution and populist political pressure, yet, the rich are likely to keep getting even richer, and enjoy an even greater share of the wealth pie over the coming years.49 In February of 2011, Ajay Kapur, the author of the Citigroup report who is now with Deutsche Bank, gave an interview in which he explained that, the world economy is even more dependent on the spending and consumption of the rich, and that, Plutonomist consumption is almost 10 times as volatile that of the average consumer. He further explained that increased debt levels are a sign of plutonomies: We have an economy today where a large fraction of the population doesnt pay federal income taxes and, because of demand for entitlements, we have a system of massive representation without taxation. On the other hand, you have plutonomists who protect their turf and the taxation amounts are not enough to pay for everyones demand. So Ive come to the conclusion that budget deficits are biased toward getting bigger and bigger. Budget deficits are going to become a manifestation of a plutonomy.50 The plutonomy is largely characterized by a lack of a consuming and vibrant middle class. This is a trend that has been accelerating for several decades, particularly in North America and Britain, where the middle class population is heavily indebted. The middle class has existed as a consumer class, keeping the lower class submissive, and keeping the upper class secure and wealthy by consuming their products, produced with the labour of the lower class. The most advanced plutonomies in the world are the most advanced industrial and technological nations, where the major corporations and banks are highly subsidized and protected by the state, as is typical for a state-capitalist society. While the industrial and rich northern state-capitalist societies were able to industrialize and grow rich through highly protectionist measures, the poor south of the world (Africa, Asia, Latin America) were subjected to free market policies which opened up their economies to be exploited and plundered by the rich northern nations. No country has ever become an industrial power by implementing free market policies, but rather, by doing the exact opposite: heavy subsidies and state protection for key industries, technologies, and corporate entities. While the Third World was forced to implement free market policies in order to get loans, the predictable result took place: mass impoverishment and exploitation. The Third World states were run by tiny elites who dominated the countries politically and economically, and who hid their stolen wealth in foreign banks and offshore tax havens. Now, in the midst of the global economic crisis which has been ravaging the world for the past four years, the rich northern countries are themselves implementing the same free market policies, though designed to subject their populations to market discipline while maintaining and in fact increasing the protectionist and subsidized policies for the multinational corporations and banks. It is important to note that market discipline and actual free market policies are exclusively designed for the general population, not the elite. Workers, students, the elderly, the poor and the many are to be subjected to market discipline while the banks and multinational corporations continue to be heavily subsidized (as the largest national welfare recipients) and protected by the state. Thus, just as our banks and corporations have plundered the Third World with rapacious delight over the past three decades, now they will be able to do the same to the populations of the rich nations themselves. The state will transform, as it did in the Third World, into a typically totalitarian institution which is responsible for protecting the super-rich and controlling, oppressing, or, in extreme cases of resistance, eliminating the problem populations (i. e. the people). Welcome to the global plutonomy in the age of austerity, the result of living under and tolerating a global super-entity corporate-financial cartel. Truly, one must pause and, if only for a moment, appreciate the ability of this global cartel to function so effectively in spite of its blatant criminal activities, and face almost absolutely no repercussions. Something truly is wrong with a society when a poor black man caught with 5 grams of crack-cocaine goes to prison for ten years, while rich white bank executives admit to laundering billions of dollars in drug money and receive only a fine and a slap on the wrist (maybe). The lesson is clear: if you are a thief, steal by the billions or trillions, and then no one can do anything about it. If you are in the drug trade: handle only billions (or hundreds of billions) in drug money, and then you will get away with it. If you dont want to pay taxes, be a member of the top o. oo1 of the worlds super-rich and hide your billions in offshore tax-free accounts. If you want more, create a global economic crisis, demand to be saved by the state to the tune of tens of trillions of dollars, and then, tell the state to punish their populations into poverty in order to pay for your mistakes. In other words, if you want to indulge your criminal fantasies, lie and steal, profit from death and drugs, dominate and demand, be king and command, become the highly-functioning socially-acceptable sociopath you always knew you could be8230 think big. Think BANK. Serial killers, bank robbers and drug dealers go to jail bankers get bailouts and get an unlimited insurance policy called too big to fail. Andrew Gavin Marshall is an independent researcher and writer based in Montreal, Canada, writing on a number of social, political, economic, and historical issues. He is also Project Manager of The Peoples Book Project. He also hosts a weekly podcast show, Empire, Power, and People, on BoilingFrogsPost . 1 Andy Coghlan and Debora MacKenzie, Revealed the capitalist network that runs the world, New Scientist, 24 October 2011: 4 David J. Lynch, Banks Seen Dangerous Defying Obamas Too-Big-to-Fail Move, Bloomberg, 16 April 2012: 5 Dean Baker, The eurozone crisis is not about market discipline, Al-Jazeera, 18 December 2011: 6 Roger Altman, We need not fret over omnipotent markets, The Financial Times, 1 December 2011: 7 Roger Altman, We need not fret over omnipotent markets, The Financial Times, 1 December 2011: 8 Rajeev Syal, Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor, The Observer, 13 December 2009: 9 Ed Vulliamy, How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico8217s murderous drug gangs, The Observer, 3 April 2011: 11 Ed Vulliamy, Global banks are the financial services wing of the drug cartels, The Observer, 21 July 2012: 12 John Paul Rathbone, Money laundering: Taken to the cleaners, 20 July 2012: 13 Agustino Fontevecchia, HSBC Helped Terrorists, Iran, Mexican Drug Cart els Launder Money, Senate Report Says, Forbes, 16 July 2012: 14 Roberto Saviano, Where the Mob Keeps its Money, The New York Times, 25 August 2012: 15 Dominic Rushe, HSBC 8216sorry8217 for aiding Mexican drugs lords, rogue states and terrorists, The Guardian, 17 July 2012: 16 Ed Vulliamy, Global banks are the financial services wing of the drug cartels, The Observer, 21 July 2012: 17 Michael Smith, Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal, Bloomberg, 29 June 2010: 18 Alexander Eichler, Mexican Drug Cartel Laundered Money Through BofA, FBI Alleges, The Huffington Post, 9 June 2012: 19 Jessica Silver-Greenberg and Edward Wyatt, In Laundering Case, a Lax Banking Law Obscured Money Flow, The New York Times, 8 August 2012: Jessica Silver-Greenberg and Ben Protess, Money-Laundering Inquiry Is Said to Aim at U. S. Banks, The New York Times, 14 September 2012: 20 James B. Stewart, For UBS, a Record of Averting Prosecution, The New York Times, 20 July 2012: 21 Matt Taibbi, The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia, Rolling Stone, 21 June 2012: 22 William D. Cohan, How Wall Street Scams Counties Into Bankruptcy, Bloomberg, 1 July 2012: 23 The Libor Scandal: The Rotten Heart of Finance, The Economist, 7 July 2012: 24 Shahien Nasiripour, Nine more banks added to Libor probe, The Financial Times, 26 October 2012: 25 Douglas Keenan, My thwarted attempt to tell of Libor shenanigans, The Financial Times, 26 July 2012: 26 The Cartel: Behind the Scenes in the Libor Interest Rate Scandal, Der Spiegel, 1 August 2012: 27 Matt Taibbi, Why is Nobody Freaking Out About the LIBOR Banking Scandal Rolling Stone, 3 July 2012: 28 Ral Ilargi Meijer, LIBOR Was A Criminal Conspiracy From The Start, The Business Insider, 11 July 2012: 29 Steven Swinford and Harry Wilson, RBS traders boasted of Libor 8216cartel8217, The Telegraph, 26 September 2012: 30 Jill Treanor and Dominic Rushe, Timothy Geithner and Mervyn King discussed Libor worries in 2008, The Guardian, 13 July 2012: 31 M ark Gongloff, New York Fed8217s Libor Documents Reveal Cozy Relationship Between Regulators, Banks, The Huffington Post, 13 July 2012: 32 Chris Giles, Libor scandal puts BoE in line of fire, The Financial Times, 17 July 2012: 33 Jill Treanor, British Bankers8217 Association to be stripped of Libor rate-setting role, The Guardian, 25 September 2012: 34 Liam Vaughan, Secret Libor Committee Clings to Anonymity Following Scandal, Bloomberg, 21 August 2012: 35 David Enrich and Max Colchester, Before Scandal, Clash Over Control of Libor, The Wall Street Journal, 11 September 2012: 36 Andrew Mayeda, Canada Regulator Says Has Power to Probe Libor Cartel, Bloomberg, 22 June 2012: 37 Halah Touryalai, Banks Rigged Libor To Inflate Adjustable-Rate Mortgages: Lawsuit, Forbes, 15 October 2012: 38 Darrell Preston, Rigged Libor Hits States-Localities With 6 Billion: Muni Credit, Bloomberg, 9 October 2012: 39 Andrew Gavin Marshall, Austerity, Adjustment, and Social Genocide: Political Language and the European Debt Crisis, Andrewgavinmarshall, 24 July 2012: 40 Roger Altman, We need not fret over omnipotent markets, The Financial Times, 1 December 2011: 41 Ben Polak and Peter K. Schott, Americas Hidden Austerity Program, The New York Times, 11 June 2012: Jason Cherkis, A Thousand Cuts: Austerity Measures Devastate Communities Around The World, The Huffington Post, 17 July 2012: Editorial, The Austerity Trap, The New York Times, 23 October 2012: Derek Thompson, American Austerity: Why the States Cutting Spending Are Doing Worse, The Atlantic, 21 June 2012: 42 CEOs Deficit Manifesto, The Wall Street Journal, 25 October 2012: 43 Executives Who Signed the Fix the Debt Declaration, The Wall Street Journal, 25 October 2012: 44 Al Lewis, Bankers Face the Abyss, The Wall Street Journal, 21 October 2012: 45 Heather Stewart, Wealth doesn8217t trickle down it just floods offshore, research reveals, The Observer, 21 July 2012: 46 Heather Stewart, 13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite, T he Observer, 21 July 2012: 47 We8217re living in a plutonomy, The Telegraph, 2 April 2006: 48 Robert Frank, Plutonomics, The Wall Street Journal, 8 January 2007: 50 Gus Lubin, Deutsche Bank Says The 8216Global Plutonomy8217 Is Stronger Than Ever, And That Means 10X More Volatility, Business Insider, 17 February 2011: The Maple Spring and the Mafiocracy: Struggling Students versus Entitled Elites It says a great deal about our society when hundreds of thousands of students already largely indebted, a significant portion of whom live well below the poverty line, who already work what few jobs exist for a generation forgotten before we leave home take to the streets in protest and are portrayed as entitled, spoiled brats as they attempt to negotiate their very chance of having a future in this society8230 with a government that supports and works with organized crime, which is beholden to an economic elite, and which supports only those who can already support themselves. There is something deeply wrong with a society in which students who struggle for a very chance in life are insulted, degraded, beaten, arrested, humiliated and denigrated. First, we were told for years that we were lazy and apathetic: Generation MTV, Generation iPod, a techno-savvy but reality-detached deluge of pseudo-humanoids. We were seen as concerned only with self, worshipping of wealth, and with celebrities like Paris Hilton and whatever Car-crashian disaster is on reality TV this week, who could blame people for thinking this Our media raised us. Television raised us. Advertising raised us. Public relations agencies raised us. They have told us what to wear, how to behave, what to drink, what to eat, what to listen to, dance to, sing to, who to speak to, who to admire, who to hate, what to spend time thinking about, what to be concerned about, what and how to think and be. We were set up to be Generation Obscurity. But then, something changed: our circumstances. For those of us who grew up middle class, we started to have a harder time getting by. We worked while we were in high school, but that was okay, the extra money was nice. But then we graduated and it was time to begin our lives. So we either worked full time, or went to school, and probably work part-time. School is expensive, and whether you live in Quebec, the rest of Canada, the United States, or a great host of many other places, school is more expensive for us than it was for our parents. Our minimum wage might seem higher, but the cost of living has soared since our parents were getting their first few jobs, so in real terms, we earn much less. So we lived and often continue to live at home while we go to school or even while we work. With rent so high, and cities so expensive, who can afford their own space in this crazy kind of place School was still too expensive, even as we worked and as our parents helped however they could. After all, they were and are struggling too. So we got student loans. And now were deep in debt. Suddenly, our world was thrown into a deep economic crisis. Most of us dont know how this came to be, or who is responsible, all we know is that we only did what we were told to do: consume. And what did that do for us Were in debt. All we know is that even though we didnt cause this global crisis, we are being held responsible for it. All we know is that we are told we are in a recovery, but we dont feel like it. How many people truly feel more financially secure now than they did in 2007 Do you I dont But now we are told that we are in a recovery because those who caused the economic crisis are doing much better. In fact, many of them are doing better than ever During the crisis, our governments said we had to bail out the banks that had colluded with the governments to create the crisis in the first place. We were scared, so we sat back and watched as our governments gave banks blank checks. First, I should add, our governments worked with the banks in passing (or dismantling) laws and regulations, implemented policies, undertook joint programs, spent enormous sums of money between them, as our political leaders left office to sit in bank boardrooms, and as bankers left the private vaults to the public treasury. This relationship between big business, big banks, and big government (most emblematic in the central banking system, in which private banks with public powers control the very value of our currencies), is what created the economic crisis. And when that crisis erupted, those same governments gave those same banks more money than ever before, to ensure that they were rewarded for creating such a massive global crisis. At the same time, the governments then gave themselves even more power over the economy and their own social and political environments, all the while ensuring that the banks and corporations were involved in every decision, and would benefit from every outcome. So those who caused the crisis rewarded themselves with more money and more power than they had when they created the crisis in the first place. At the same time, we, the people, have to pay for everything. We have to pay with increased taxes (remember, that bailout money has to come out of YOUR pockets), with rising prices for food and fuel, with inflated property prices (if they werent already collapsing, in which case, we face potential foreclosure), with increased debt not even to consume, but simply to subsist with decreased jobs, with unemployment, with increased homelessness, increased reliance upon food stamps, increased welfare and state assistance (which comes with intense scrutiny of your personal finances and life), and now, with austerity: further tax increases, less social services and support, mass layoffs and pay-cuts, decreased support for health care and education, increased tuition, and increased struggles. But remember, we have to suffer under austerity so that our governments can pay for all the rewards they gave to the banks for8230 making us suffer. This is called Capitalism. Now, take Canada as an example. Canada is perhaps the best example to use in this situation because, lets face it: we have one of the better reputations among Western nations of the world (though largely undeserving), we are seen as peaceful (though we are now always at war), and compared to the rest of the industrialized West, we fared through the economic crisis much better than most. Our banks, in fact with five Big Banks that dominate the economy are consistently rated as among the worlds strongest banks. In April of 2012, Moodys Investors Service rated Canadas banks as the safest in the world . And we better believe Moodys, because they failed to predict the economic crisis itself, and as their CEO even admitted when questioned about the agency being funded by Wall Street firms, potential conflicts exist regardless of who pays . For four years in a row, the World Economic Forum has rated Canadas banking system as the most sound in the world. Even the Canadian Bankers Association praises Canadas banks. Imagine that Unfortunately for their self-congratulations, it was recently revealed that Canadas banks actually received a secret bailout in 2008, for a total of 114 billion, or 3,400 for every Canadian man, woman, and child. The bailouts took place between 2008 and 2010, funded by the Bank of Canada, the United States Federal Reserve, and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. The government continues to deny it gave the banks a bailout, instead, our Finance Minister insists, it was just liquidity support , which means8230 the government did not bail out the banks with public money, it just gave the banks public money8230 in support. Call it what you will, they gave them 114 billion. Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of Canada (our central bank), and a former executive with Goldman Sachs (whats not to love), even admitted that the Bank of Canada gave tens of billions of dollars to our private banks. The U. S. Federal Reserve provided 33 billion to Canadas big banks, while the official numbers of what the Bank of Canada provided remain a secret, as the government has refused to respond to Access to Information requests on the subject. Available information, however, points to 41 billion given to our banks by the Bank of Canada by December of 2008. Even some foreign banks had access to money from the Bank of Canada. Thus, Canadas big five banks Royal Bank of Canada, T. D. Bank, Scotiabank, the Bank of Montreal and CIBC received collectively over 114 billion in bailouts . Oh, excuse me, I mean, liquidity support. And now, these same banks have inflated a major housing bubble in Canada which is eerily similar to that which existed in the United States in 2007, with housing prices dangerously high, and the average household debt at 103,000. But dont worry, these big five banks made record profits in 2011. So naturally, with record profits for banks, and record debt for Canadians, the banks have decided to increase their fees on you And then their profits continued to increase. Naturally, the executives have been giving themselves bigger bonuses than ever. This is called an economic recovery. And remember, its the students in Qubec who are entitled. People call the students spoiled and entitled because they pay less than 2,500 for tuition every year, and are trying to prevent a situation in which they will be paying roughly 4,000 per year. But the big banks, making record profits, got the equivalent of 3,400 from every single man, woman, and child in Canada. But thats not called entitlement, thats called Capitalism. So, the banks are doing better than ever, and this means we are in a recovery. According to our governments and media, it doesnt matter what situation you are in, only what situation RBC, CIBC, BMO, Scotiabank and TD are in. Starting in the year 2000, Canadas corporations and banks started having their taxes cut significantly by the government, whether Liberal or Conservative. In 2000, corporate taxes were at 28, and by 2006 it was at 21. In the beginning of 2012, corporate taxes in Canada were at 15. This was all, of course, done to create jobs. That is, after all, what we were told by our politicians who insisted it was the right thing to do. At the moment, Canada has a rather significant unemployment rate. and a much higher youth unemployment rate. In 2006, the unemployment rate for Canadians was 4.6, and today it is at 7.3. In 2006, the unemployment rate for Canadian youth between the ages of 15 and 24 was at 8.4, but by 2012, that has increased to 13.8. In the same period of time, corporate taxes were cut from 22 to 15, with the stated purpose of creating jobs. Now, the unemployment numbers are themselves misleading, because they only actually refer to those who are on some form of government assistance, such as welfare or employment insurance. The rest of the unemployed are not counted. While the corporate tax cuts did not lead to more jobs, but rather, less8230 they did lead to more money for the corporations and banks. By 2011, Canadian corporations and banks had hoarded 477 billion in cash reserves as money that was saved from taxation. For every percentage decrease in corporate taxes, the government loses 2 billion in potential revenue. In response, the government turns to austerity measures, which means that you have to suffer and pay for everything, especially your own poverty. Poverty is, after all, very expensive. In 2012, these record profit-making corporations are getting an extra 2.85 billion in additional income tax savings. Even as Stephen Harper cut the taxes further, he acknowledged that the corporations werent actually investing their saved money in jobs but that it was just money sitting on the sidelines. Since 2007, the cash reserves of Canadas corporations have grown by 27.3, reaching 583 billion in Canadian currency, and 276 billion in foreign currencies. So what can we conclude from this Well, when politicians and corporations and banks say that they are pursuing a particular policy to create jobs, what they really mean is to create profits. So when a politician says, We need to cut corporate taxes so that they can invest in jobs, what is really being said is that, We need to cut corporate taxes so that they can make profits. This makes more sense, because this is what actually happens. So its not so much that politicians lie, but rather that they just speak a different language. So take note, and I guarantee this is a very accurate method, in political-speak: jobs profits. So now when you listen to your selected officials blather on, youll actually be able to understand what they are saying. Oh, and in case you forgot, remember: its Qubec students who are entitled and spoiled brats. Just making sure you remember that. In Canada, we have a situation in which total national student debt is at 20 billion. and with tuition increases, this too will increase dramatically. But dont worry, increased tuition costs and increased student debt is good for the banks, because they provide a lot of the loans and own the debt, and collect the interest and keep you in their pockets for the rest of your life. And remember, if the banks are doing well, the economy is doing well. You dont matter8230 at all. Okay, so total student debt in Canada is at 20 billion, with the average student graduating with 27,000 in debt, few job prospects, high unemployment rates, and in a major social and economic crisis, but the Canadian government is buying 65 F-35 fighter jets from the U. S. military contractor, Lockheed Martin, worth a total of 25 billion. So, we can bail out our banks to the tune of 114 billion, and we can spend 25 billion buying military machines to go bomb and kill poor people around the world, but students shackled with 20 billion in debt must be shackled with more. And if they try to do anything about the increases in tuition, and thus, the increases in their debt, Canadian politicians and the media refer to them as entitled, spoiled brats. Here are a few numbers to show the current divide between the rich and everyone else in Canada, what we are told is a hallmark of a flourishing democracy and recovering economy: 8211 the 100 best paid CEOs made an average of 6.6 million, which is 155 times the average wage for Canadians at 42,988 8211 the tax rate for the richest Canadians dropped from 43 in 1981 to 29 in 2010 8211 in Quebec, the richest 10 made 24 more in 2006 than in 1976, while the poorest made 10 less 8211 with average student debt in Qubec at 13,000 and 27,000 in the rest of Canada, the cost of free education in Qubec would be less than 1 of the governments budget 8211 for every 1,000 fee hike in tuition, the proportion of poor students drops by 19, thus making education inaccessible for poor people 8211 with youth unemployment in Canada between 14-20, and total student debt amounting to 20 billion, the percentage of students defaulting on government loans is at 14 8211 the percentage of Canadians between 20 and 2 4 living with their parents is 73 8211 the percentage of Canadians 25 to 29 living with their parents is 33 This is called democracy. With Jean Charest as Qubecs premier, attempting to nearly double student tuition from an average of over 2,000 to nearly 4,000, it might be interesting to look at what Charest paid for his education. Charest studied in Sherbrooke in the late 1970s, where he would have paid 500 for tuition, less than 2,000 in todays dollars. In 1978, the minimum wage (for those students who needed to work to pay their tuition) in Qubec was 3.50hour. In todays dollars, that would equal 12hour, while the actual minimum wage in Qubec today is 10hour. Therefore, wrote McGill University professor Michael Hilke, it was easier for students to pay for college back then . But Charest calls us entitled. In point 7 of my article, Ten Points Everyone Should Know About the Quebec Student Movement , I provided sources and information regarding the deeply interconnected relationship between the government of Qubec, especially with Charests Liberal Party in power, the corrupt construction industry, and the Mafia. Politicians, especially the Liberal Charest government currently in power, provide over-estimated public funds to the construction industry to do what costs significantly less in other provinces, and to build bridges and roads that fall apart, and it just so happens that the construction industry is owned by the Mafia. While public contracts are not the main source of revenue for the Mafia (who can compete with illicit drugs 8230 well, except for the oil and arms industries), getting massively over-estimated public funds allows the Mafia-connected construction businesses to throw fundraisers for the politicians and keep them in power. Thus, the interaction between the Mafia and the government is a mutually beneficial relationship, where money flows back and forth, designed to keep each party in power. But its unfair to blame Charest and the Liberal Party for collusion with the Mafia they are simply carrying on a long political tradition of governments working with organized crime. So, the government supports organized crime and opposes organized students. Ultimately, both organized crime and organized polities serve the same interests. Can you guess whose Ill save you the effort, its really quite simple, and its not exclusive to Canada, this is a global phenomenon: follow the money. Canada is a market leader in many aspects of the global trade in illegal drugs. In a 2009 report form the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Canada was revealed to be the leading supplier of ecstasy to North America, and one of the worlds major producers and shippers of methamphetamine for various markets around the world, which is so significant that it was revealed that 83 of all the meth seized in Australia came from Canada, whereas in Japan it was 62. In 2006, only 5 of the meth produced in Canada was exported. In 2007, it was at 20. Thats pretty impressive In 2007, 50 of the ecstasy produced in Canada was exported, primarily to the United States, Australia, and Japan. In 2007, Canada was identified by Japan as the largest single source for seized ecstasy tablets, followed by the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium. But its not Canadas fault, we are simply partaking in an already well-established global drug trade, the most profitable trade in the world following oil and arms. This of course is a result of our governments having undertaken prohibition against illicit drugs, just as the United States had done with alcohol, which history shows, didnt work very well. Alcohol prohibition gave an incredible boost to the Mafia and organized crime in the United States and elsewhere, and of course, included in its silky spider web were corrupt cops, politicians, and financiers. When something is illegal it becomes far more expensive, and thus, far more profitable. So our governments have decided to continue their policies of prohibition for illicit drugs: to keep profits up, to support organized crime, to participate in organized crime, to keep the money flowing, keep the prisons full, and to declare a mythical war on drugs which accomplishes nothing but further militarization designed to wipe out the competition. So Latin American countries must suffer under our increased military and repressive presence. A few months prior to the NATO invasion and occupation of Afghanistan in 2001, the Taliban had eradicated the opium trade in one year. wiping out the worlds largest opium crop. Following the invasion in October of 2001, and the installation of a puppet president Hamid Karzai in December of 2001, the new Afghan government began colluding with drug lords and opium production began to accelerate. In fact, the drug trade in Afghanistan reaches record highs nearly every year since the invasion. Between 2011 and 2012, opium production in Afghanistan increased by another 61. In 2009, the New York Times reported that one of Afghanistans most powerful drug lords was the brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and that he also happened to be working for the CIA at the same time. The CIA has a sordid history with the drug trade, from Indochina in the 1960s, to Afghanistan and the Iran-Contra affair in the 1980s. More recently, in 2007 there was an under-reported incident in which a CIA plane which had been used for rendition flights (i. e. kidnapping and torture) had crashed in Mexico with 3.3. tones of cocaine on board, carrying Colombian cocaine for the major Mexican drug cartel, the Sinaloa cartel. Since 2006, the government of Mexico has been waging a massive drug war against several of the large drug cartels in the country. This war has been financially and materially supported by the U. S. which has been providing arms, equipment, and intelligence assistance to the Mexican army. The war has been incredibly violent, and widely under-reported in our media north of Mexico. From 2006 to 2011, there were between 45-60,000 deaths related to the drug war. In 2009, the Mexican drug lord Joaquin 8220El Chapo8221 Guzman Loera who heads the largest drug cartel, the Sinaloa cartel, made Forbes billionaires list. Journalists in Mexico who cover the war repeatedly get tortured and murdered. Within a six-month period in 2010, more than 11,000 migrants were abducted by drug cartels, either to extort money or to be used as forced labour. An investigative report by NPR in 2010 revealed a deeper and darker side of the story: the war is rigged. As the United States gives billions of dollars to Mexico in military and judicial aid, the Mexican government works to support the Sinaloa cartel by destroying the competition. Testimony of top Sinaloa cartel traffickers in court revealed further links between the cartel and the Mexican army. Whether through bribes or other means, including the major participants themselves passing from high-ranking police and military positions directly into the cartels, the relationship between the Mexican government and the cartels, especially the Sinaloa cartel, runs deep. The drug trade through Mexico, which is heavily implicated in bringing cocaine from Colombia to the United States, produces profits of tens of billions every year. Even a top Mexican army general and a former deputy minister of defense have now been implicated in ties to drug cartels. something which is not new in Mexico. A small scandal emerged for the United States government in 2011 when it was revealed that a U. S. operation allowed weapons from the U. S. to pass into the hands of suspected gun smugglers. Codenamed Operation Fast and Furious. it was run by the U. S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which admitted that 1,765 guns were sold to suspected smugglers during a 15-month period of the investigation. A gun dealer in Arizona reported that he was concerned that his guns were being sold to drug cartels, fuelling the violence that has now killed over 55,000 people, and when he expressed these fears, he was encouraged by federal agents to continue the sales. Internal emails released from the ATF revealed that the bureaus top officials were regularly briefed on the gun-running operation. It was later revealed that many Mexican drug cartel figures who were being targeted by the ATF also happened to be informants for the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). who kept the ATF in the dark about their relationship with the cartels. At least six Mexican drug cartel figures were also on the payroll of the FBI. Some ATF agents have blown the whistle on the operation, stating that it went back as far as 2008, and that they were ordered to let U. S. guns go to Mexico . Memos from 2010 revealed that several top U. S. officials in the Department of Justice, including Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr, regularly received updates about the operation. Three National Security officials in the White House also received updates. One of Mexicos top drug traffickers, the right-hand man of the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, claimed in court testimony that he was working all along as a confidential informant for U. S. agents, specifically for the U. S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). U. S. weapons smuggling to Mexico is no small operation, as roughly 70 of the weapons seized in Mexico came from the United States. In Congressional testimony, an ATF agent reported that the ATF was working on Operation Fast and Furious in cooperation with the DEA and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). To add to that, an insider at the CIA revealed that the Central Intelligence Agency (aka: the Cocaine Import Agency), had a strong hand in creating, orchestrating and exploiting Operation Fast and Furious. Over fears that the Zetas cartel could totally usurp control of the Mexican government, the CIA reportedly intervened in support of the Sinaloa cartel, with its close ties to the Mexican military. In a report with the Washington Times . it was revealed that the CIA would allow the Sinaloa cartel to smuggle cocaine into the United States on a 747 cargo plane, and in turn, the CIA approached the ATF to create Operation Fast and Furious, ensuring that the trade wasnt one-way, so that arms were funneled into Mexico from the U. S. as drugs were funneled into the U. S. from Mexico, all with CIA support. Meanwhile, according to the New York Times . undercover DEA agents were laundering millions of dollars in drug money for the Mexican cartels in the United States. Within Mexico, the drug money spreads all across the economy, into skyscrapers, casinos, beach resorts, restaurants, the construction industry, and of course, political campaigns. But the 55,000 deaths in Mexico in the past six years have been good for the United States, particularly for gun sales and big banks. In fact, internal investigations revealed that Wachovia Bank, now a part of Wells Fargo, one of the largest banks in the United States, laundered billions of dollars in drug money for Mexican cartels, even as they were receiving bailout money from the United States government. It was not only Wachovia, but also Bank of America that has been implicated in laundering Mexican drug money, worth up to 378.4 billion. Other banks have been implicated as well, in both the United States and Europe. The UN revealed in 2009 that drug money actually saved the major banks, as roughly 352 billion in drug money was absorbed into the financial system during the worst of the economic crisis in 2008. So what do we make of all this We are told that this is called democracy and a strong economy. We are told that this is the best system in the world, which benefits everyone8230 just not you. I prefer to use another word to describe it: Mafiocracy. Now, I did not come up with this word, but it applies, and I can think of no better word to describe the relationship between big business, big banks, government and organized crime. So we are faced with a Mafiocracy, whether in Afghanistan, Colombia, Mexico, the United States, or even in Qubec. With collusion so deep and embedded between organized crime, state agencies, politicians, and financiers, its almost problematic to refer to organized crime as somehow separate, since it isnt. So lets call it what it is: a Mafiocracy. A local Mafiocracy, such as the one which exists in Qubec between the local Mafia, the local government, and the local economic elite, is inter-related with the global Mafiocracy, atop of which sit the Kings of Capital and the High Priests of Globalization. We are in the age of Globalization, and the Mafiocracy has been significantly globalized and energized. As the Mafiocracy gets stronger, democracy gets weaker, until it is altogether gone and dead, without even a memory remaining. The first time I heard the term Mafiocracy was in an incredible documentary about Argentina, entitled, Social Genocide , covering the countrys recent history of military dictatorships supported by the U. S. followed by the age of neoliberalism with liberal democratic governments more corrupt than the dictatorships that preceded them, with an elite so extravagant it would be almost comically-absurd if it wasnt so disturbing. The film documents the relationship between democratically-elected leaders, narco-trafficking, organized crime, international terrorism, Western banking institutions, the IMF and World Bank, corruption feeding off of the national debt, the privatization of public wealth, and all the while demanding the population pay for the Mafiocracy through austerity and structural adjustment, what is translated in real terms into Social Genocide. When the people stood up in December of 2001, Argentinas president declared a state of siege, which was responded to by the population who took their pots and pans out into the streets across the country and to the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires, and they banged their pots and pans in the midst of police confrontations that killed 26 people, eventually forcing the president to flee from the city by helicopter. The Mafiocracy demanded the people suffer for its own excesses, for its wealth and power, and imposed a rigid, organized, structured and systematic program of Social Genocide: what economists, politicians and pundits refer to as fiscal austerity and structural adjustment. The people took their pots and pans into the streets and said No More For more than 100 days, hundreds and thousands of students in Qubec have been on strike against a plan to increase tuition by roughly 75. The Mafiocracy government, after two months of refusing to speak to the students and instead used state violence and repression against them, finally agreed to sit down and talk in April. They then cancelled the negotiations and threw out a new proposal which would actually increase the tuition hike. Obviously, this insulting gesture was rejected. Then there were other negotiations in early May, while the riot police were outside nearly killing a few students by shooting them in the face and head with rubber bullets, the government pressured the student leaders to sign a sham of an agreement, with extra pressure coming from the major union leaders, who only exist today because of their willingness to engage and collude with the Mafiocracy particularly the government and big business and so they told the students it was the best deal they would get. The deal did not include a decrease in the tuition increases. This entire process has taken place in the midst of a national media campaign against the student movement, which increased and evolved into a social movement, an anti-austerity movement, and at times, even a small rebellion against the Mafiocracy. The media framed the striking students as spoiled brats who were whining and crying about a loss of entitlements. The latest negotiations broke down last week. Why Because after four days of negotiations, the only compromise the government engaged in, was to agree to reduce the overall tuition increases by 1. Yes, you read correctly: ONE DOLLAR . This is what it means to negotiate with a Mafiocracy. But the students continue to march, continue to inspire, and the movement the Maple Spring continues to expand beyond the students, far beyond the issue of tuition, and far beyond Qubec. People walk through the streets, every day and every night, in defiance of a law passed by the Mafiocracy government which criminalized spontaneous protests. People step outside and bang their pots and pans, walk through the streets, through rain storms and sun shine, hot or cold. People are aware that they could again be pepper sprayed, tear gassed, smoke bombed, beaten with batons, trampled with horses, driven into with cars, shot with rubber bullets, or arrested en masse. But still, they go. And across Canada, and in fact, far beyond, people are taking their pots and pans and stepping out into their streets in solidarity. Remember that description we once heard for the system of government we were supposed to be living under: of, by, and for the people Is that the Mafiocracy We were a generation reviled for our trivial technological obsessions, entertainment enslavement, and absolute apathy. So we defy those stereotypes and step out into the streets, day after day. We are no longer apathetic, and now we are called spoiled and entitled. But thats okay people especially those in power, who speak through the media always fear what they do not understand. Now the social gatherings of youth are not necessarily at bars and clubs, but in protests and casseroles (marching with pots and pans). Regardless of the outcome, we have come to realize that we are a powerful force when united, that we have to physically, intellectually, and emotionally put ourselves on the line to struggle for what is right. We realized that when our options are to either suffer or struggle, the choice is easy. We have a long way ahead of us, we struggle, we persevere, we protest, we push, we persist, we have not yet prevailed, but we are linking up with people especially youth across Canada and around the world. We are using the technology which in one sense had enslaved us to obscurity and apathy, and are now using it to mobilize and organize more than ever before. We have taken the first steps which are required in a global struggle of people against a global Mafiocracy. We follow in the footsteps of those who have walked before us, whether they are in Egypt, Tunisia, Greece, Spain, Iceland, or Chile. They cannot fight our fight for us, but we can all fight together. Our struggle is global, though we may experience it in the local. With every step forward, we realize the global implications of what we are starting to do, and the world is starting to watch. The people are waking up, walking out, and trying to reshape society so that it does not simply benefit the few at the expense of the many. This is called Democracy. For more information on the 8216Maple Spring8217, see: The Qubec Student Strike: From Maple Spring to Summer Rebellion What Really Happened at the Montral May Day Protest From Peaceful Protest to Police Brutality Ten Points Everyone Should Know About the Quebec Student Movement From the Chilean Winter to the Maple Spring: Solidarity and the Student Movements in Chile and Quebec Quebec Steps Closer to Martial Law to Repress Students: Bill 78 is a Declaration of War on the Student Movement Writing About the Student Movement in Qubec: Youre Damn Right Im Biased Confessions of a Non-Neutral Observer Andrew Gavin Marshall is an independent researcher and writer based in Montreal, Canada, writing on a number of social, political, economic, and historical issues. He is also Project Manager of The Peoples Book Project. He also hosts a weekly podcast show, Empire, Power, and People, on BoilingFrogsPost . 3) The student strike was organized through democratic means and with democratic aims 4) This is not an exclusively Quebecois phenomenon 5) Government officials and the media have been openly calling for violence and fascist tactics to be used against the students 6) Excessive state violence has been used against the students 7) The government supports organized crime and opposes organized students 8) Canadas elites punish the people and oppose the students 9) The student strike is being subjected to a massive and highly successful propaganda campaign to discredit, dismiss, and demonize the students 10) The student movement is part of a much larger emerging global movement of resistance against austerity, neoliberalism, and corrupt power 1) The issue is debt, not tuition . In dismissing the students, who are striking against a 75 increase in the cost of tuition over the next five years, the most common argument used is in pointing out that Quebec students pay the lowest tuition in North America, and therefore, they should not be complaining. Even with the 75 increase, they will still be paying substantially lower than most other provinces. Quebec students pay on average 2,500 per year in tuition, while the rest of Canadas students pay on average 5,000 per year. With the tuition increase of 1,625 spread out over five years, the total tuition cost for Quebec students would be roughly 4,000. The premise here is that since the rest of Canada has it worse, Quebec students should shut up, sit down, and accept reality. THIS IS FALSE. In playing the numbers game, commentators and their parroting public repeat the tuition costs but fail to add in the numbers which represent the core issue: DEBT. So, Quebec students pay half the average national tuition. True. But they also graduate with half the average national student debt. With the average tuition at 5,000year, the average student debt for an undergraduate in Canada is 27,000, while the average debt for an undergraduate in Quebec is 13,000. With interest rates expected to increase, in the midst of a hopeless job situation for Canadian youth, Canadas youth face a future of debt that is bankrupting a generation of students. The notion, therefore, that Quebec students should not struggle against a bankrupt future is a bankrupted argument. 2) Striking students in Quebec are setting an example for youth across the continent . Nearly 60 of Canadian students graduate with debt, on average at 27,000 for an undergraduate degree. Total student debt now stands at about 20 billion in Canada (15 billion from Federal Government loans programs, and the rest from provincial and commercial bank loans). In Quebec, the average student debt is 15,000, whereas Nova Scotia and Newfoundland have an average student debt of 35,000, British Columbia at nearly 30,000 and Ontario at nearly 27,000. Roughly 70 of new jobs in Canada require a post-secondary education. Half of students in their 20s live at home with their parents, including 73 per cent of those aged 20 to 24 and nearly a third of 25- to 29-year-olds. On average, a four-year degree for a student living at home in Canada costs 55,000. and those costs are expected to increase in coming years at a rate faster than inflation. It has been estimated that in 18 years, a four-year degree for Canadian students will cost 102,000. Defaults on government student loans are at roughly 14. The Chairman of the Canadian Federation of Students warned in June of 2011 that, We are on the verge of bankrupting a generation before they even enter the workplace. This immense student debt affects every decision made in the lives of young graduates. With few jobs, enormous housing costs, the cutting of future benefits and social security, students are entering an economy which holds very little for them in opportunities. Women, minorities, and other marginalized groups are in an even more disadvantaged position. Canadian students are increasingly moving back home and relying more and more upon their parents for support. An informal Globe and Mail poll in early May of 2012 (surveying 2,200 students), shows that students across Canada share a similar anxiety over rising tuition fees as that felt in Quebec. Roughly 62 of post-secondary students said they would join a similar strike in their own province. while 32 said they would not, and 5.9 were undecided. In Ontario, where tuition is the highest in Canada, 69 said they would support a strike against increasing tuition. A Quebec research institution released a report in late March of 2012 indicating that increasing the cost of tuition for students is creating a student debt bubble akin to the housing bubble in the United States, and with interest rates set to increase, todays students may well find themselves in the same situation of not being able to pay off their student loans. The authors of the report from the Institut de recherche et dinformations socio-economique explained that, Since governments underwrite those loans, if students default it could be catastrophic for public finances, and that, If the bubble explodes, it could be just like the mortgage crisis. In the United States, the situation is even worse. In March of 2012, the Federal Reserve reported that 27 percent of student borrowers whose loans have gone into repayment are now delinquent on their debt. Student debt in the United States has reached 1 trillion. passing total credit card debt along the way. It has become a threat to the entire existence of the middle class in America. Bankruptcy lawyers in the US are seeing the telltale signs of a student loan debt bubble. A recent survey from the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA) indicated, more than 80 percent of bankruptcy lawyers have seen a substantial increase in the number of clients seeking relief from student loans in recent years. The head of the NACBA stated, This could very well be the next debt bomb for the U. S. economy . In 1993, 45 of students who earn a bachelors degree had to go into debt today, it is 94. The average student debt in the United States in 2011 was 23,300, with 10 owning more than 54,000 and 3 owing more than 100,000. President Obama has addressed the situation by simply providing more loans to students. A recent survey of graduates revealed that 40 of them had delayed making a major purchase, like a home or car, because of college debt, while slightly more than a quarter had put off continuing their education or had moved in with relatives to save money, and 50 of those surveyed had full-time jobs. Between 2001 and 2011, state and local financing per student declined by 24 percent nationally. In the same period of time, tuition and fees at state schools increased 72 percent. It would appear that whether in the United States, Canada, or even beyond, the decisions made by schools, banks, and the government, are geared toward increasing the financial burden on students and families, and increasing profits for themselves. The effect will be to plunge the student and youth population into poverty over the coming years. Thus, the student movement in Quebec, instead of being portrayed as entitled brats elsewhere, are actually setting an example for students and youth across the continent and beyond. Since Quebec tuition is the lowest on the continent, it gives all the more reason that other students should follow Quebecs example, instead of Quebec students being told to follow the rest of the country (and continent) into debt bondage. 3) The student strike was organized through democratic means and with democratic aims: The decision to strike was made through student associations and organizations that uniquely operate through direct-democracy. While most student associations at schools across Canada hold elections where students choose the members of the associations, the democratic accountability ends there (just like with government). Among the Francophone schools in Quebec, the leaders are not only elected by the students, but decisions are made through general assemblies, debate and discussion, and through the votes of the actual constituents, the members of the student associations, not just the leaders. This means that the student associations that voted to strike are more democratically accountable and participatory than most other student associations, and certainly the government. It represents a more profound and meaningful working definition of democracy that is lacking across the rest of the country. The Anglophone student associations that went on strike from Concordia and McGill did so because, for the first time ever . they began to operate through direct-democracy. This of course, has resulted in insults and derision from the media. The national media in Canada most especially the National Post complain that the student tactics are anything but democratic , and that the students arent acting in a democratic way, but that its really mob rule . Obviously, it is nave to assume that the National Post has any sort of understanding of democracy. 4) This is not an exclusively Quebecois phenomenon . I am an Anglophone, I dont even speak French, I have only lived in Montreal for under two years, but the strikers are struggling as much for me as for any other student, Francophone or Anglophone. Typically, when others across Canada see what is taking place here, they frame it along the lines of, Oh those Quebecois, always yelling about something. But Im yelling too8230 in English. Many people here are yelling8230 in English. It is true that the majority of the students protesting are Francophone, and the majority of the schools on strike are Francophone, but it is not exclusionary. In fact, the participation in the strike from the Anglophone schools (while a minority within the schools) is unprecedented in Quebec history. This was undertaken because students began mobilizing at the grassroots and emulating the French student groups in how they make decisions (i. e. through direct-democracy). The participation of Anglophone students in the open-ended strike is unprecedented in Quebec history. 5) Government officials and the media have been openly calling for violence and fascist tactics to be used against the students . With all the focus on student violence at protests, breaking bank windows, throwing rocks at riot police, and other acts of vandalism, student leaders have never called for violence against the government or vandalism against property, and have, in fact, denounced it and spoken out for calm, stating: The student movement wants to fight alongside the populace and not against it. On the other hand, it has been government officials and the national media which have been openly calling for violence to be used against students. On May 11, Michael Den Tandt, writing for the National Post . stated that, Its time for tough treatment of Quebec student strikers, and recommended to Quebec Premier Jean Charest that, He must bring down the hammer. Tandt claimed that there was a better way to deal with student protesters: Dispersal with massive use of tear gas then arrest, public humiliation, and some pain. He even went on to suggest that, caning is more merciful than incarceration, or perhaps even re-imagining the medieval punishment in which miscreants and neer-do-wells were placed in the stockade, in the public square, and pelted with rotten cabbages. That might not be a bad idea, either. This, Tandt claimed, would be the only way to preserve peace, order, and good government. Kelly McParland, writing the for National Post on May 11, suggested that it was now time for Charest to empower the police to use the full extent of the law against those who condone or pursue further disruption, and that the government must make a show of strength against the students. If this was not bad enough, get ready for this: A member of the Quebec Liberal Party, head of the tax office in the Municipal Affairs Department, Bernard Guay, wrote an article for a French-language newspaper in Quebec in mid-April advocating a strategy to end the student strikes. In the article, the government official recommended using the fascist movements of the 1920s and 1930s as an example in how to deal with leftists in giving them their own medicine. He suggested organizing a political cabal to handle the wasteful and anti-social situation, which would mobilize students to not only cross picket lines, but to confront and assault students who wear the little red square (the symbol of the student strike). This, Guay suggested, would help society overcome the tyranny of Leftist agitators, no doubt by emulating fascist tyranny. The article was eventually pulled and an apology was issued, while a government superior supposedly reprimanded Guay, though the government refused to elaborate on what that consisted of. Just contemplate this for a moment: A Quebec Liberal government official recommended using inspiration from fascist movements to attack the striking students. Imagine if one of the student associations had openly called for violence, let alone for the emulation of fascism. It would be national news, and likely lead to arrests and charges. But since it was a government official, barely a peep was heard. 6) Excessive state violence has been used against the students . Throughout the three months of protests from students in Quebec, the violence has almost exclusively been blamed on the students. Images of protesters throwing rocks and breaking bank windows inundate the media and inform the discourse, demonizing the students as violent, vandals, and destructive. Meanwhile, the reality of state violence being used against the students far exceeds any of the violent reactions from protesters, but receives far less coverage. Riot police meet students with pepper spray, tear gas, concussion grenades, smoke bombs, beating them with batons, shoot them with rubber bullets, and have even been driving police cars and trucks into groups of students. On May 4, on the 42 nd anniversary of the Kent State massacre in which the U. S. National Guard murdered four protesting students, Quebec almost experienced its own Kent State, when several students were critically injured by police, shot with rubber bullets in the face. One student lost an eye, and another remains in the hospital with serious head injuries. including a skull fracture and brain contusion. The Quebec provincial police the SQ have not only been involved in violent repression of student protests in Quebec, but have also (along with the RCMP) been involved in training foreign police forces how to violently repress their own populations. such as in Haiti. Roughly 12,000 people in Quebec have signed a petition against the police reaction to student protests, stipulating that the police actions have been far too violent. In late April, even before the Quebec police almost killed a couple students, Amnesty International asked the government to call for a toning down of police measures that8230 are unduly aggressive and might potentially smother students8217 right to free expression. The Quebec government, of course, defends police violence against students and youths. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) Canadas spy agency has recently announced its interest in gathering intelligence on Quebec student protesters and related groups as possible threats to national security . Coincidentally, Prime Minister Stephen Harper dismantled the government agency responsible for oversight of CSIS, making the agency essentially unaccountable. In reaction to student protests, the City of Montreal is considering banning masks being worn at protests in a new bylaw which is being voted on without public consultation. Thus, apparently it is fine for police to wear gas masks as they shoot chemical agents at Quebecs youth, but students cannot attempt to even meagerly protect themselves by covering their faces. The federal Conservative government of Stephen Harper is attempting to pass a law that bans masks at protests, which includes a ten-year sentence for rioters who wear masks . Quebec has even established a secretive police unit called the GAMMA squad to monitor political groups in the province, which has already targeted and arrested members of the leading student organization behind the strike. The police unit is designed to monitor anarchists and marginal political groups . Some political groups have acknowledged this as a declaration of war by the government against such groups. Spokesperson for the largest student group, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, stated that, This squad is really a new kind of political police to fight against social movements. The situation of police repression has become so prevalent that even the U. S. State Department has warned Americans to stay away from student protests in the city. as bystanders can quickly be caught up in unforeseen violence and in some cases, detained by the local police. 7) The government supports organized crime and opposes organized students: The government claims that it must increase the cost of tuition in order to balance the budget and to increase the competitiveness of schools. The government has ignored, belittled, undermined, attempted to divide, and outright oppress the student movement. The Liberal Government of Quebec, in short, has declared organized students to be enemies of the state. Meanwhile, that same government has no problem of working with and supporting organized crime, namely, the Montreal Mafia. In 2010, Quebec, under Premier Jean Charest, was declared to be the most corrupt province in Canada. A former opposition leader in the Montreal city hall reported that, the Italian mafia controls about 80 per cent of city hall. The mafia is a big player in the Quebec economy, and is deeply entrenched in city affairs of Montreal, as more than 600 businesses pay Mafia protection money in Montreal alone, handing organized crime leaders an unprecedented degree of control of Quebec8217s economy . The construction industry, especially, is heavily linked to the mafia. The Montreal Mafia is as influential as their Sicilian counterparts, where all of the major infrastructure work in Sicily is under Mafia control. In 2009, a government official stated that, Its Montreals Italian Mafia that controls what is going on in road construction. They control, from what we can tell, 80 per cent of the contracts . In the fall of 2011, an internal report written by the former Montreal police chief for the government was leaked, stating, We have discovered a firmly rooted, clandestine universe on an unexpected scale, harmful to our society on the level of safety and economics and of justice and democracy . The report added, Suspicions are persistent that an evil empire is taking form in the highway construction domain, and that, If there were to be an intensification of influence-peddling in the political sphere, we would no longer simply be talking about marginal, or even parallel criminal activities: we could suspect an infiltration or even a takeover of certain functions of the state. Quebec Premier Jean Charest, for several years, rejected calls for a public inquiry into corruption in the construction industry, even as the head of Quebecs anti-collusion squad called for such an inquiry. An opposition party in Quebec stated that Jean Charest is protecting the (Quebec) Liberal party 8211 and in protecting the Liberal party, Mr. Charest is protecting the Mafia, organized crime . After the leaked report revealed cost overruns totaling hundreds of millions of dollars, kickbacks and illegal donations to political parties, Charest had to after two years of refusing open a public inquiry into corruption. The Quebec mafia have not only run gambling and prostitution and imported stupefying amounts of illegal drugs into Canada, but they have extended their influence to elected civic and provincial governments, and to Liberal and Conservative federal governments through bribery and other illustrious relations. The Federal Conservative Party of Canada, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper as its leader, received dozens of donations from Mafia-connected construction and engineering firm employees. The Mafia-industry has also donated to the Federal Liberal Party, but less so than the Conservatives, who hold power. In Quebec, government officials have helped the Mafia charge far more for public-works contracts than they were worth. These Mafia companies would then use a lot of that extra money to fund political parties, most notably, the Liberals. who have been in power for nine years. A former Montreal police officer who worked in the intelligence unit with access to the polices confidential list of informants was suspected of selling information to the mafia. In January of 2012, he was found dead, reportedly of a suicide. In April of 2012, fifteen arrests were made in Montreal by the police in relation to corruption charges linked to the Mafia. Among them were one of the biggest names in the construction industry, with 14 individual facing conspiracy charges involving municipal contracts associated with the Mascouche water-treatment plants that are connected to big construction, engineering and law firms that have been involved in municipal contracts and politics across the Montreal region for decades. And the individuals have been around the municipal world for years. One Quebec mayor has even been charged. The Montreal police force has not been very interested. and it should be, in helping the anti-corruption investigation. Two of those who were arrested included Quebec Liberal Party fundraisers. one of whom Charest personally delivered an award to in 2010 for his years of service as an organizer. All three of Quebecs main political parties were connected to individuals arrested in the raids. Canadas federal police force, the RCMP, have refused to cooperate with the Mafia-corruption inquiry in handing over their massive amounts of information to the judge leading the inquiry. Quebec Education Minister Line Beauchamp, who has been leading the government assault against the students, attended a political fundraiser for herself which was attended by a notorious Mafia figure who personally donated generously to the ministers Liberal riding association. As these revelations emerged, Beauchamp stated, I dont know the individual in question and even today I wouldnt be able to recognize him. At the time, Beauchamp was the Environment Minister, and was responsible for granting the Mafia figures company a favourable certificate to expand its business. Beauchamp claimed she did not know about the deal, but as head of the Ministry which handled it, either she is utterly incompetent or a liar. Either way, she is clearly not fit for public service if it amounts to nothing more than service to the Mafia. The fact that she is now responsible for increasing tuition and leading the attack on students speaks volumes. Line Beauchamp, when questioned about taking political contributions from the Mafia, stated, Now that the information is public and the links well established, I would not put myself in that position again. Well isnt that reassuring Now that its public, she wouldnt do it again. Thats sort of like saying, I wouldnt have committed the crime if I knew I was going to be caught. The notion that Beauchamp didnt know whom this Mafia figure was who was giving her money is absurd. Its even more absurd when you note that one of Beauchamps political attaches was a 30-year veteran of the Montreal police force. As one Quebec political figure commented about the Liberal Governments Mafia links: They refuse to sit down with a student leader but they have breakfast with a mafioso 8230 where is the logic in that Indeed. Its clear that the Quebec government has no problem working with, handing out contracts to, and taking money from the Mafia and organized crime. In fact, they are so integrated that the government itself is a form of organized crime. But for that government, and for the media boot-lickers who follow the government line, organized students are the true threat to Quebec. National newspapers declare Quebec students following mob rule when its actually the government that is closely connected to mob rule. The students are challenging and being repressed by a Mafioso-government alliance of industrialists, politicians, financiers and police8230 yet it is the students who are blamed for everything. The government gives the Mafia public contracts double or triple their actual value, wasting hundreds of millions of dollars (if not more), while students are being asked to pay nearly double their current tuition. Theres money for the mob, but scraps for the students. 8) Canadas elites punish the people and oppose the students: Its not simply the government of Quebec which has set itself against the students, sought to increase their tuition and repress their resistance, often with violent means, but a wide sector of elite society in Quebec and Canada propose tuition increases and blind faith to the state in managing its repression of a growing social movement. As such, the student movement should recognize that not simply are Jean Charest and his Liberal-Mafia government the antagonists of social justice, but the whole elite society itself. As early as 2007, TD Bank, one of Canadas big five banks, outlined a plan for prosperity for the province of Quebec, and directly recommended Quebec to raise tuition costs for students. Naturally, the Quebec government is more likely to listen to a bank than the youth of the province. Banks of course, have an interest in increasing tuition costs for students, as they provide student loans and lines of credit which they charge interest on and make profits. The Royal Bank of Canada acknowledged that student lines of credit are very popular products . Elites of all sorts support the tuition increases. In February of 2010. a group of prominent (i. e. elitist) Quebecers signed a letter proposing to increase Quebecs tuition costs. Among the signatories were the former Premier of Quebec for the Parti Quebecois, Lucien Bouchard. In early May, a letter was published in the Montreal Gazette which stated that students need to pay more for their education in Quebec, signed by the same elitists who proposed the tuition increase back in February of 2010. Initially, this group of elitists had proposed an increase of 1,000 every year for three years. The letter then calls for the application of state power to be employed against the student movement: It is time that we react. We must reinstate order the students have to return to class8230 This is a situation when, regardless of political allegiances, the population must support the state. which is ultimately responsible for public order, the safety of individuals and the integrity of our institutions. The integrity of institutions which cooperate with the Mafia, I might add. What incredible integrity The letter was signed by Lucien Bouchard, former Premier of Quebec Michel Audet, an economist and former Finance Minister in the first Charest government in Quebec Franoise Bertrand, the President and chief executive officer of the Fdration des chambres de commerce du Qubec (The Quebec Federation of Chambers of Commerce), where she sits alongside the presidents and executives of major Canadian corporations, banks, and business interests. She also sits on the board of directors of Quebecor Inc. a major media conglomerate, with former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on its board. Another signatory was Yves-Thomas Dorval, President of the Quebec Employers8217 Council, who formerly worked for British American Tobacco Group. former Vice President at Edelman Canada, an international public relations firm, was a director at a pharmaceutical corporation, head of strategic planning at an insurance company, and previously worked for the Government of Quebec and Hydro-Quebec. Joseph Facal, another signatory to the letter demanding higher tuition and state repression of students, is former president of the Quebec Treasury Board, and was a cabinet minister in the Quebec government of Lucien Bouchard. Other signatories include Pierre Fortin, a professor emeritus at the Universit du Qubec Montral Michel Gervais, the former rector of Universit Laval Monique Jrme-Forget, former finance minister of Quebec and former president of the Quebec Treasury Board, member of the Quebec Liberal Party between 1998 and 2009, was responsible for introducing public-private partnerships in Quebecs infrastructure development (which saw enormous cooperation with the Mafia), and is on the board of directors of Astral Media. Robert Lacroix, another co-signer, was former rector of the Universit de Montral is also a fellow at CIRANO, a Montreal-based think tank which is governed by a collection of university heads, business executives, and bankers. including representatives from Power Corporation (owned by the Desmarais family). Another signatory is Michel Leblanc, president and CEO of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal, a prominent business organization in Montreal, of which the board of directors includes a number of corporate executives, mining company representatives, university board members, bankers and Hlne Desmarais. who married into the Desmarais family. Another signatory is Claude Montmarquette, professor emeritus at the Universit de Montral, who is also a member of the elitist CIRANO think tank, which as a research institution (for elites) has recommended increasing Quebecs tuition costs for several years. Another signatory was Marcel Boyer. a Bell Canada Professor of industrial economics at the Universit de Montral, Vice-president and chief economist at the Montreal Economic Institute, is the C. D. Howe Scholar in Economic Policy at the C. D. Howe Institute, Member of the Board of the Agency for Public-Private Partnerships of Qubec, and Visiting Senior Research Advisor for industrial economics at Industry Canada. At the Montreal Economic Institute, Boyer sits alongside notable elitists, bankers, and corporate executives, including Hlne Desmarais. who married into the Desmarais family (the most powerful family in Canada). At the C. D. Howe Institute, Boyer works for even more elitists, as the board of directors is made up of some of Canadas top bankers, corporate executives, and again includes Hlne Desmarais. The Desmarais family, who own Power Corporation and its many subsidiaries, as well as a number of foreign corporations in Europe and China, are Canadas most powerful family. The patriarch, Paul Desmarais Sr. has had extremely close business and even family ties to every Canadian Prime Minister since Pierre Trudeau, and all Quebec premiers (save two) in the past several decades. The Desmarais have strong links to the Parti Quebecois, the Liberals, Conservatives, and even the NDP, and socialize with presidents and prime ministers around the world, as well as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and even Spanish royalty. Paul Desmarais Sr. has a disproportionate influence on politics and the economy in Quebec and Canada, and he especially has a lot of influence on Premier Jean Charest. When former French President Nicolas Sarkozy gave Desmarais the French Legion of Honour, Desmarais brought Jean Charest with him. Quebec author Robin Philpot commented that Desmarais took him along like a poodle , referring to Charest. The Desmarais family has extensive ties to Canadian and especially Quebec politicians, have extensive interests in Canadian and international corporations and banks, are closely tied to major national and international think tanks (including the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group), and even host an annual international think tank conference in Montreal, the Conference of Montreal. The Desmarais family have had very close ties to Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, and even Stephen Harper, and to Quebec premiers, including Lucien Bouchard, who co-authored the article in the Gazette advocating increased tuition. The Desmarais empire also includes ownership of seven of the ten French newspapers in Quebec, including La Presse. The Desmarais family stand atop a parasitic Canadian oligarchy. which has bankers and corporate executives controlling the entire economy, political parties, the media, think tanks which set policy, and even our educational institutions, with the chancellors of both Concordia and McGill universities serving on the boards of the Bank of Montreal and the Royal Bank of Canada, respectively, as well as both schools having extensive leadership ties to Power Corporation and the Desmarais family. It is this very oligarchy which demands the people pay more, go further into debt, suffer and descend into poverty, while they make record profits. In March of 2012, Power Corporation reported fourth quarter profits of 314 million. with yearly earnings at over 1.1 billion. Canadas banks last year made record profits. and then decided to increase bank fees. At the end of April, it was reported that Canadas banks had received a secret bailout back in 200809, from both the Bank of Canada and the U. S. Federal Reserve, amounting to roughly 114 billion, or 3,400 for every Canadian man, woman, and child (more than the cost of yearly tuition in Quebec). And yet Quebec youth are told we suffer from entitlement. And now banks are expected to be making even more profits. as reported in early May. As banks make more record profits, Canadians are going deeper into debt. The big Canadian banks, along with the federal government, have colluded to create a massive housing bubble in Canada, most especially in Toronto and Vancouver, and with average Canadian household debt at 103,000, most of which is held in mortgages, and with the Bank of Canada announcing its intent to raise interest rates, Canada is set for a housing crisis like that seen in the United States in 2008. forcing the people to suffer while the banks make a profit. The head of the Bank of Canada (a former Goldman Sachs executive) said that Canadian household debt is the biggest threat to the Canadian economy, but dont worry, Canadas Finance Minister said he is working in close cooperation with the big banks to intervene in the housing market if necessary, which would likely mean another bailout for the big banks, and of course, hand the check to you So, Canada has its priorities: every single Canadian man, woman, and child owes 3,400 for a secret bank bailout to banks that are now making record profits and increasing their fees, while simultaneously explaining that there is no money for education, so we will have to pay more for that, too, which is something those same banks demand our governments do to us. When the students stand up, they are said to be brats and whining about entitlements. But then, what does that make the banks This is why I argue that Canadas elites are parasitic in their very nature. slowly draining the host (thats us) of its life until there is nothing left the extract. 9) The student strike is being subjected to a massive and highly successful propaganda campaign to discredit, dismiss, and demonize the students . In the vast majority of coverage on the student strike and protests in Quebec, the media and its many talking heads have undertaken a major propaganda campaign against the students. The students have been consistently ignored, dismissed, derided, insulted and attacked. One Canadian newspaper said it was hard to feel sorry for Quebec students, who were whining and crying and kicking up a fuss, treating Canadas young generation like ungrateful children throwing a collective tantrum. In almost every article about the student strike, the main point brought up to dismiss the students is that Quebec has the lowest tuition costs in North America. The National Post published a column written by a third-year political science student at McGill University in Montreal stating that, Quebec students must pay their share, and advised people to ignore the overheated rhetoric from student strikers , and that, Jean Charest must go full steam ahead. The student author, Brendan Steven, is co-founder of McGills Moderate Political Action Committee (ModPAC), which is an organizing mobilizing McGill students in opposition to the strike. Stevens organization attacked striking student associations as illegitimate, unconstitutional shams and attacked the democratic functioning of other student associations holding general assemblies. Steven complained that the democratic general assemblies are being invented on a whim . Brendan Steven not only gets to write columns for the National Post . but gets interviewed on CBC . Stevens anti-strike group sent a letter to the McGill administration complaining about pro-strike students on the campus, writing, This group violates our democratic right to access an education without fear of harm, and added: We are demanding the McGill administration take action against this minority group before the current conflicts escalate into disasters. They have proven they will not remain peaceful. As a lap-dog boot-licking power worshipper, Brendan Steven has a future for himself in politics, thats for sure Back in January, Steven wrote an article for the Huffington Post in which he explained that the reason why CEOs get paid so much is because theyre worth it . He referred to Milton Friedman the father of neoliberalism as a great economic thinker. Back in November of 2011, Steven wrote an article for the McGill Daily entitled, Do not demonize authorities, and then went on to justify police violence against protesting students engaged in an occupation of a school building, which he characterized as an inherently hostile act . Steven later got an opportunity to appear on CBCs The Current . Margaret Wente, writing for the Globe and Mail . wrote that, Its a little hard for the rest of us to muster sympathy for Quebecs downtrodden students, who pay the lowest tuition fees in all of North America. She then referred to the striking students as the baristas of tomorrow and they dont even know it. Wente then attempted to explain the Quebec students by writing: Now I get it: The kids are on another planet. Interesting how she used the word kids to just add a little extra condescension. But it seems clear that Wente gets very little. In an August 2011 column, Wente tried to explain why poor black communities in Britain and America were experiencing riots and gang activity, placing blame on single-mothers and family breakdown, and explained that, Rootless, unmoored young men with no stake in society are a major threat to social order. Explaining this demographic in economic terms, Wente wrote: They are, quite simply, surplus to requirements . In another column, Wente argued that helping deliver much-needed humanitarian supplies to Gaza would enable terrorists . Wente also wrote an article entitled, The poor are doing better than you think, suggesting that its not so bad for poor people because they have air conditioning, DVD players, and cable TV. Wente has been consistently critical of the Occupy movement, and suggested in another article that, the biggest economic challenge we face today is not income inequality, greedy corporations, Wall Street corruption or the concentration of wealth among the top 1 per cent. Its the increasing failure of young men with high-school degrees or less to latch on to the world of work. Of course, in Wentes world, the inability of young men to get a job has nothing to do with income inequality, greedy corporations, Wall Street corruption or the concentration of wealth. In another article criticizing the Occupy movement, Wente managed to argue that it was not Wall Street and bankers that have destroyed the economy and left people without jobs, but rather what she refers to as the virtueocracy, blaming unions, single mothers who gets masters degrees in social science s, and people who want to work at NGOs and non-profits, doing transformational, world-saving work. So its Wentes insightful voice which is informing Canadians about the student movement in Quebec. Other Canadian publications writing about the Quebec student strike have headlines like, Reality check for the entitled , repeating the idiotic argument that because Quebec students pay less than the rest of Canada, they shouldnt be complaining about the hikes. Andrew Coyne wrote a syndicated column in which he claimed that, Quebec students know violence works , framing the protest at which police almost killed two students as an action of general rage the students had promised. With no mention of the student who lost an eye, or the other student who ended up in the hospital with critical head injuries, Coyne talked about a cop who was beaten savagely and lay helpless on the ground. No mention, of course, of the police truck that drove into a group of students moments later, or the fact that the cop who was beaten savagely got away with minor injuries, unlike the students who were shot in the face with rubber bullets. By simply omitting police brutality and violence, Coyne presented the student movement as itself inherently violent, instead of at times erupting in violent reactions to state violence, which is far more extreme in every case. The Toronto Sun even had an article which claimed that the students have employed tactics of thuggery and violent criminal behaviour. Publications regularly ask their readers if Quebec students have legitimate grievances, if they are fighting for social justice, or if they are just spoiled brats . A syndicated column from the Vancouver Sun by Licia Corbella was titled, How rioting students help make me grateful. She discussed her latest visit to church where the pastor advised: Parents, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them, and mentioned how parents anger their children by belittling them, underestimating them and not treating them as individuals. Corbella then took particular note of how parents provoke and enrage children when we give them a sense of entitlement. With the word entitlement, Corbella naturally then began thinking about Quebec students, as according to Corbellas pastor, entitlement leads to rage. Corbella wrote that rioting is, in essence, what a spoiled two-year-old would do if they had the ability. She further wrote: In Quebec, these entitled youth, who believe the rest of society MUST provide them with an almost free education or else, have blocked other students from accessing the educations they paid for, burned vehicles, smashed shop windows, looted property and severely beaten up a police officer who got separated from the rest of his colleagues. Again, no mention of the two students who were almost killed by police at the same event. Corbella quoted someone interviewed on TV, endorsing the claim that the student protests are starting to resemble terrorism , though she took issue with the word starting. This is the result of creating, according to Corbell, an entitlement society. Apparently, the pastors lesson about not belittling the young did not sink in with Corbella. An article in the Chronicle Herald asked, What planet are these kids on The author then wrote that, the irony is that these students now want the system to accommodate their desires and for someone else to pay the bill, and that, students should stop making foolish demands . Other articles claim that students need a lesson in economics . After all, the fact that the majority of economists, fully armed with lessons in economics, were unable to predict the massive global economic crisis in 2008, should obviously not lead to any questioning of the ideology of modern economic theory. No, it would be better for students to learn about the ocean from those who couldnt see a tsunami as it approached the beach. Another article, written by a former speechwriter to the Prime Minister of Canada, wrote that the student arguments were vacuous and that the youth were in a state of complete denial . Rex Murphy, a commentator with the National Post and CBC . referred to the student strike as short-sighted and that student actions were crude attempts at precipitating a crisis. Student actions, he claimed, were the actions of a mob and were simply wrong, and thus, should be condemned . The CBC has been particularly terrible in their coverage of the student movement. With few exceptions, the Canadian media have established a consensus in opposition to the student protests. and use techniques of omission, distortion, or outright condemnation in order to promote a distinctly anti-student stance. 10) The student movement is part of a much larger emerging global movement of resistance against austerity, neoliberalism, and corrupt power: In the coverage and discourse about the student movement, very little context is given in placing this student movement in a wider global context. The British newspaper, The Guardian . acknowledged this context, commenting on the red squares worn by striking students (a symbol of going squarely into the red, into debt), explaining that they have become a symbol of the most powerful challenge to neoliberalism on the continent. The article also adopted the term promoted by the student movement itself to describe the wider social context of the protests, calling it the Maple Spring. The author placed the fight against tuition increases in the context of a struggle against austerity measures worldwide, writing: Forcing students to pay more for education is part of a transfer of wealth from the poor and middle-class to the rich as with privatization and the state8217s withdrawal from service-provision, tax breaks for corporations and deep cuts to social programs. The article noted how the student movement has linked up with civic groups against a Quebec government plan to subsidize mining companies in exploiting the natural resources of Northern Quebec (Plan Nord), taking land from indigenous peoples to give to multibillion dollar corporations. As one of the student leaders stated, the protest was about more than tuition and was aimed at the elite class itself, Those people are a single elite, a greedy elite, a corrupt elite, a vulgar elite. an elite that only sees education as an investment in human capital, that only sees a tree as a piece of paper and only sees a child as a future employee. The student strike has thus become a social movement. The protests aim at economic disruption through civil disobedience, and have garnered the support of thousands of protesters, and 200,000 protesters on March 22, and close to 300,000 on April 22. Protests have blocked entrances to banks, disrupted a conference for the Plan Nord exploitation, linking the movement with indigenous and environmental groups. It was only when the movement began to align with other social movements and issues that the government even accepted the possibility of speaking to students. Unions have also increasingly been supporting the student strike. including with large financial contributions. Though, the large union support for the student movement was also involved in attempted co-optation and undermining of the students. At the negotiations between the government and the students, the union leaders convinced the student leaders to accept the deal, which met none of the student demands and kept the tuition increases intact. There was a risk that the major unions were essentially aiming to undermine the student movement. But the student groups, which had to submit the agreement to democratic votes, rejected the horrible government offer. Thus the Maple Spring continues. Quebec is not the only location with student protests taking place. In Chile, a massive student movement has emerged and developed over the past year. changing the politics of the country and challenging the elites and the society they have built for their own benefit. One of the leaders of the Chilean student movement is a 23-year old young woman, Camila Vallejo. who has attained celebrity status. In Quebecs student movement, the most visible and vocal leader is 21-year old Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. who has also achieved something of celebrity status within the province. Just as in Quebec, student protests in Chile are met with state violence. though in the Latin American country, the apparatus of state violence is the remnants of a U. S.-supported military dictatorship. Still, this does not stop tens of thousands of students going out into the streets in Santiago, as recently as late April. Protests by students have also been emerging elsewhere, often in cooperation and solidarity with the Occupy movement and other anti-austerity protests. Silent protests are emerging at American universities where students are protesting their massive debts. California students have been increasingly protesting increased tuition costs. Student protests at UC Berkeley ended with 12 citations for trespassing. Some students in California have even begun a hunger strike against tuition increases. In Brooklyn, New York. students protesting against tuition increases, many of them wearing the Quebec red square symbol, were assaulted by police officers. Even high school students in New York have been protesting. Israeli social activists are back on the streets protesting against austerity measures. An Occupy group has resumed protests in London. The Spanish indignado movement, which began in May of 2011, saw a resurgence on the one year anniversary, with another round of anti-austerity protests in Spain, bringing tens of thousands of protesters, mostly youths, out into the streets of Madrid, and more than 100,000 across the country. Their protest was met with police repression. Increasingly, students, the Occupy movement, and other social groups are uniting in protests against the costs of higher education and the debts of students. This is indeed the context in which the Maple Spring the Quebec student movement should be placed, as part of a much broader global anti-austerity movement. So march on, students. Show Quebec, Canada, and the world what it takes to oppose parasitic elites, mafia-connected politicians, billionaire bankers, and seek to change a social, political, and economic system that benefits the few at the expense of the many. Solidarity, brothers and sisters For a comprehensive analysis of the Quebec student strike, see: 8220The Qubec Student Strike: From Maple Spring to Summer Rebellion8221 For up to date news and information of student movements around the world, join this Facebook page: We Are the Youth Revolution . Andrew Gavin Marshall is an independent researcher and writer based in Montreal, Canada, writing on a number of social, political, economic, and historical issues. He is also Project Manager of The Peoples Book Project. He also hosts a weekly podcast show, Empire, Power, and People, on BoilingFrogsPost. Warnungen fr Investoren und Anleger 8211 A A amp G Insurance Corporation A amp L Royal Finance A amp R Financial Services (Klon einer registrierten Firma) A and P Holdings Limited A One Loans A Walker Associates (Klon einer registrierten Firma) A Warner Associates Andrew Warner Associates (Klon einer registrierten Firma) A. I.M. Corporation Limited A. J. Brown amp Co Ltd A1 Empréstimos A3 União AA Capital AAC Ventures Limited AAE Holdings Private Ltd. AAIC Buillion Refinery Gold Co. Limited ABRG ABRG Serviços Sdn Bhd AB Hutton Global Holdings AB Penki akrai (Ltd.) 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(aquisições-21) ACT Transfer Services Ação Presta Services SL ActivTrades PLC Adams amp Taylor Group Ltd Adaptis Group 8211 Insurance Broker amp Finance SPRL Adderley Davis amp Associates Ltd. Addison Management Group Ásia Addlerley Davis (adderleydavis) ADEF ADESA sp. Z o. o. Adexec Loans amp Financial Solutions (Klon einer durch die FCA registrierten Firma) Adexec Loans amp Financial Solutions (Klon) ADIBUK Group Corporation, ou ADIB-UK (adibuk) Adlisberg Financial Inc Adlisberg Retail Cliente Divisão Administraciones Temple Bar, SL Administrativos IG, SA de cv (INCLINAISTA INGLÊS) Almirante Commodities Inc. Almirante Financeiro Grupo Almirante Global Private Equity Group Almirante Mercados AS e Almirante ulaganja d. o.o. ADN Group SA (ADN Group AG) (ADN Group Ltd) ADN Warenhandels GmbH Adolphe Gestão Financeira ADONAI FX Fraude de taxa antecipada Bogus Empregado Advance Futures Limited Advance Partners LLC Advanced Binary Technologies Ltd Advanced Global Securities Corporation (AGS Corporation) (Klon) Advantage Asset Management Advantage Finance European Futures Fund Ltd. Advantage A vantagem da IEC é líder Advantage Offshore Clearing Limited Advantage Securities Inc Advent Capital GmbH (advento-capital, Clone da empresa incorporada no Reino Unido) Advent-Oriental Asset Management Advice Consultants (Clone da firma autorizada da FSA EEA) Advice Europe ( Clone da firma autorizada da EEA da FSA) CONSELHOS Lukasz Golawski Advies Business Invest BVBA ADVInvests (Klon) AdvisorCorp Ltd (advisorcorpltd) AdvoCare AEcnFX (Maurícia) Ltd AEG Financial e Pro-Nice Limited AEG Investment Limited Aegis Acquisition Corporation Aegis Corporation Ltd Aerolite Ltd. Aerotech Turbines AF Investment Partners Limited Affiniti Associates Limited Affinity Group Então Luts Affirmative Management Ltd Affirmo Grupo Inversor, S. L. Affluential Group Corp. AFI 8211 Investimentos Financeiros Alternativos AFL Forex 8211 Agincourt Financial Limited (Klon) AFM Advanced Financial Markets Aforti Securities SA Afper Finance AG Assessores de Grupo (aggroupjersey) Agentur Bosser AGF Europe Advisors (Clone da FSA EEA Authorized firm) AGF Markets ag - Forextrade AGFX, também comercializado como AGFX Pro AGIFX (agifx) 8211 auch bekannt als AGI Forex e AGI Markets Agora Alternativas AGP, Atlantic Gaming Partners (atlanticgamingpartners) AGP, atlanticgamingpartners Atlantic Gaming Partners, atlanticgamingpartners Agro Micron Ltd AGsmallcaps site Ahlrates Ltd AIB Asset Management AIBWT Nominais Limited AIFA Global Market (aifafx. co. uk aifagm) AIM Law Associates Aimdex Group Limited, Aimdex Limited Aims Management Objetivos World Asset amp Serviços de gerenciamento de investimentos Ainsley Consulting SL (auch bekannt als Mercier International Group) Aipost Limited Aipost Airway Capital Investment Aixia Limited Ta T4X Binary, ta T4X Signals AJ Browder Capital AJ Cox Insurance AJ Nelson Consultants LLC AJ Witherspoon e Co AJ Wyman amp Associates LLC AJAJ Grupo Ajay Kumar Akasaka Aquisição Grupo AKC GmbH Akeman Allan Capital Akeman Capital Aker Financial AS Akoba FX Akzenta SA Al Global Impex Ltd Al Reen Capital (falsamente alegando ser autorizado por FCA) ALAFX Markets Limited Alan Charles King (Clone of FSA Approved Individual) Alan Woods (woods. alan001gmail) ALBAG Geselshaft fr Allgemeine Finanxierungsbetatung GmbH Alberich Gerhard Securities Worldwide (também conhecido como AG Securities) Albion Investment Management Alborg Trading Inc. Alco Investment Company Alderley Code Alderman Associates Ltd. Aldermore Investments (Clone of FCA Authorized Firm) Aldershire Capital Aldershire Global Trading Aldershire Limited Alderton Consultores (alderton-consultores) Aldrich Limited Fusões de amplificação Aquisições Serviços Alex amp Hazel Limited Alex McGrory também conhecido como Alex Maclaren Alexander Holdings Alexander Holdings Financial Group Alexander Capital Administração Alexander Holdings Alexander Holdings Financial Group Alexander Rothko e Associates Ltd Alexander Solutions Alfa One Corporation AlfaTrade, Nemesis Capital Limited (wohl zusammengehrig) Alfons Eichler Private Bank IBC Alfort International Limited Alfred Lettner (Klon einer durch die FCA registrrierten Firma) Alfred Lettner (Klon) Alfred Weber Gestão de Riqueza (clone) Algebra Investments SA Algo Capitals (Klon einer durch die FCA registrrierten Firma) Algo Capitals Limited Algo Master System Algorates ALIANA INCRPORI INCORPORAO amplificador PLANEJAMENTO LTDA. Alibgroup. infoAlcbplc Alied Trust (sic) Alimtiaz Gold Investment Alive em 5 Alpha Money Generator Alkor Trade Sp. Z o. o. All In One Leman Srl All Property Limited Todos os Settlements Inc. Todos os credores do Reino Unido (Klon einer durch die FCA registrierten Firma) Todos os credores do Reino Unido (Klon eines registrierten Unternehmens) Todas as suas opções ALLASS BVBA Advisory Group Allass BVBA Advisory Group (Klon einer registrierten Firma) Allconi Bank Administration Ltd. Allen Brothers MampA Allen Hall Allendale Development (ou Developments) Ltd (allendale-ltd. co. uk) Allendale Financial Services Limited 1959 (Abreviação AFSL) ( uk) Allen - Hall Incorporated Aliança Alliance Leicester Commercial Bank Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Capital Alliance Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança de Assessoria Financeira Grupo Financeiro Aliança Financial Services amp Limite de Gerenciamento de Ativos Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança Aliança ) ALLIANCE PRIVATE EQUITY LLP Aliança Strategy Consultants Inc Alliance Transfer Inc. Alliance Trust Banco de Investimento PLC Alliant Holdings I Inc (alliantholdingsiinc) Allianz Asset Management (Klon einer registrierten Firma) Allianz Global Investors (Clone da FSA Autorizada) Allianz Global Investors Fund (allianzglobalinvestorsfund ) Allianz International Group (allianzinternational) Allianze Global Insurance Inc. allianz-global Aliado Aliado Allied Asset Management Allied Champ Investimentos Allied Financial Trust banco Allied Global Holdings Allied Lucent Allied Partners Financial Group Inc. Allied Securities Corporation Allied Transfer Inc Alma Forex Alpari NZ Limited Alpen Asset Management Trust Srl Alpen Ressourcen SA Alpen Ressourcen Sparkassa Ekonomisk frening Alpha Advanced Innovation Limited Alpha Brokers S. R. (Alpha Capital Ltd) (Clone da firma autorizada da FCA) Alpha Connect Capital GmbH (Clone da firma autorizada da FSA EEA) Alpha Consulting Group Alpha Corporate Consultants LTD (Alphaconsultantsltd) Alpha Finance Alpha Financial Solutions Alpha Finex Ltd Alpha Fund Management Alpha Innovative Strategies Ltd Alpha Invest Alpha Oil Inc. Alpha Propriedades Alpha REIT Advisors Co. Ltd Alpha Securities (atualmente se representando como Alpha Finance) Alpha Trade Alps Resources SA Alston Price Business Ltd Alta Paramount Ltd. Alta Technology Limited Altair Entretenimento Nv Altanus Limited (Swiss Money Report) Alter Management LLC Alternative Asset Group Limited (AAG) Alternative Bridging Corporation Consultores de Investimento Alternativos (alternativeinvestmentsab) Alternative Investment Club Altinvestclub O Grupo de Investimento Alternativo Alternativas de Mercado Alternatives Research Group (pesquisa alternativa) Altimeter Worldwide Services JLT Altivex Limited AlTR Gerentes de fundos alternativos Altronix Trading Bot ALV Group Alvaro Gombau Asesores Empresariales, S. L. Alverton International Consultants Amager Bio Bank Amazing Deposit Amazing5 Amber Asset Management (empresa de clones) Amber Options Amberfield Group (amberfieldgroup) amberoptions Ambit Energy Ambro Pesquisa de Investimento Ambros Group AMBROS GROUP (ambrosgroup) AMC International (HK) Limited Amerex Trade Limited AMERICAN BUSINESS CORPORATION AÇÕES BRASIL LTDA Comitê Americano de Regulação e Liquidação em Private Ventures American Diversified Holding Corporation American Environment Energy Inc. American Financial Group, Inc. American First City Corporation American First Securities American Futures e Troca de Opções (AFOEX) American Heritage Stock Transfer Inc American International Securities Inc. AMERICAN PREMIER TRUST American Taxation Incorporated (americantaxation) American Tunes Grupo de investimento Amethyst Bullion Limited Amexfa AMF Capital Limited AMF Serviços AMFX AMG Capital Partners Ltd AMG Finanz LTD AMG Zurique (auch bekannt als Associated Management Group) AMG-Clients SA Am Herst International AMI Serviços Profissionais (Klon einer registrierten Firma) Amicus Investment Ltd. Amj Imp amp Exp International Co. Ltd. AMK Trust Ltd (amktrust) Amkel Capital AMR Business Services LLC (amrkpo) Amsel Commodities Amstrad-Wealth SA Análise Análise de Finanças Analista de Finanças Invest Andaman Asset Management Andersen Consulting (Reino Unido) Andersen Mergers Anderson amp Collins Anderson Fitzpatrick (Suíça) AG Anderson Ford Financeiro Anderson Franklin Sullivan Partners Ltd. Anderson Goldberg, SL Madrid (andersongoldstein) Anderson Holding Sp. Z o. o. Anderson McCormack Group, S. L. Anderson Munro Anderson Price Anderson, Franklin, Sullivan Partners Ltd. também conhecido como AFS Partners Ltd. Anderson-McCormack Group SL Andreas Braasch (andreas-braasch) Andreas Geiger Financeiro Andrew Blake (com base no rbef) Andrew Clayton Advisors (auch bekannt als Andrew Clayton Partners) Andrew Papadopoulos (Sr.) Andrew Walker Associates (Klon einer registrierten Firma) Andrew Walker Associates AW Associates Andrew Warner Associates (Klon einer registrierten Firma) ANF Financial Anglo American Asset Management Ltd Anglo American Bank Anglo China Securities Anglo Irish Associates Anglo Swiss Consulting AngloAsia Capital Management Limited Anne Markets Limited Anne8217s Diary Annex Fusões e aquisições internacionais Anoli Capital International Inc. Anova Corporate Services (esta é uma suposta empresa chinesa) Anpa Forward Ltd ta Transpact (Klon einer durch die FCA registrrierten Firma) Antares Capital Management Antek Global Consultants Ltd (antekglobalconsultants ) Antek International Anthony Amp. Carter Anthony Michael Naughton Anthony O8217Donnell Anthony Williams Antiguidades Supermercado Anyoption Ltd. Anyoption Payment Services Ltd. e ou Anyoption Holdings Ao Global Investment (Hong Kong) Co Ltd Aoguan HongKong CO. Limited Grupo Aomori AOT Europa (Clone da empresa FSA EEA anteriormente autorizada) AOT Especialista em ações (Clone da firma autorizada FSA EEA) Aozora Alliance ehemals Shinsei Associates AP Alternativas Apex Capital Partners Apex Consulting Online Apex Continental Bank PLC e valores mobiliários Apex Continental Bank PLC e Trust Corp Apex Ações Apex Global Platinum Inc. Apex Holdings (apex-holdings ) Apex International Consulting Corporation Apex International Consulting Group (AICG) Apex Investment Corporation. Apex Management Limited Apex One Trading Group, apexonetg Apex Stock Transfer Inc. (apexstinc) Apex Trade Group Pte Ltd Apex Trading Group Apex UK Loan API Premiere Swiss Trust AG Apollo Financial Management Apollo Global Securities LLC. (Sic) Apollo International Wealth Management Co. Ltd Apollo Multi Asset Management LLP (clone) Apollo Tiger Fund (apollo-tigerfund apolloguernsey apollofundsguernsey) Appleton Associates (appletonassoc) ApplianceFix Ltd Applied Finance Group (AFG) Apps Finance, Malta Group APS International Bank APT Fundo Aqua Securities LP Aquila Financial Services Company AR Facility (arfacility) Arab-Anglo Finance (arab-anglo) ARC Capital Consultants Araxo Technologies Ltd (Araxo4x) Arbonne Arboretix Trading Limited ARC Capital Consultants Arcadia Trading Group, Ltd. Arcadia Oil amp Gas, LLC Arcadian Investment Group Limited Arquipélago do Grupo Arcfin Serviços Corporativos Inc. ArchWay Trust Ardea Capital LP Área de Consultoria de corretores (areabrokerconsulting) Areal Equity Capital AG Arendee Consulting Group Ltd Rede Global de Argent Argentum Caveo Argo Trust Limited Argus Global Equities Limited Ariad Financial Services (Klon eines registrierten Unternehmens ) Aries Ventures Inc Aris UK Advisory Ariun Financial Grupo (Klon einer registrierten Firma) Ark Consultancy Escócia Limited Arkol Insurance Brokers Armstrong amp Knight Armstrong Group, The Aros Securities (Clone da anteriormente FSA EEA Authorized firm) ARROCH INVEST EMPRENDIMENTOS E SERVIOS SC LTDA Arran Financiamento Limitado Arron Copeland Arrow Capital Parceiros Arrow Ferger Consultants ARSU Asset Recovery Solutions (arsu. eu) Artemis Financial Artemis Fund Managers (clone) Arthur Forbes Consulting Arthur-Sera Limited ArtNews SA Arus Asset Recovery Solutions Asakura Aquisições Ascensus Direct (ascensusdirect. de wascensusdirect) Ascensus International (ascensioninternational) Ascot Energy Services Ltd. Ascot Management Group Ascot Management Services Ltd. Asesores Financieros Independientes ASG Markets (asgmarkets. co. uk) Ashby Limited Ashcroft Trust Ashford Financial Group (grupo financeiro) Ashford Langley 8211 ashford-langley. co. uk Ashland Mergers Ampères Aquisições Gestão Ashley Partners Fusões Ampère Aquisições Ashmore Impendent Financial Advisors aka8220 Ashmore Financial (aifafx. co. uk, ashmorefinancial. co. uk e ashmorefinancial) Ashmore Investment Group Ashmore Wealth Funds (Klon einer registrierten Firma) Ashoka Capital Markets Ashton Trading Worldwide Limited Ashton Young e Associados Ashwood Finance Asia Alliance Ltd Subasta de Ásia Inc. Ásia Bancorp (L) Ltd Asia Dragon Group Asia Exchange Board Asia Pacific Brokerage Services Limited Grupo Ásia-Pacífico, também conhecido como Asia Pacific Financial Management Group Inc. Ásia-Pacífico Ltd (Klon einer registrierten Firma) Asia Ventures Limited Asia World Capital Asian Asquisition Oversight Commitee Asian AIM Incubator Co. Ltd Asian Capital Group (asiancapitalgrp) Asian Direct Capital Management Ásia Europeu Finanças Asian Foreign Securities and Compliance Department Asian Futures Trading Group Asia Pacific Advisors Ltd Ásia-Pacífico Finanças e Investimento Asiatic Acquisitions Asiatic Associates Asicon Trading Limited Aspect fundo Managers Plc Aspen Capital LLC Aspen Payne Consultoria Asprey Associates Asprey Group LLP Asset Capital Management Asset International Limited Serviços de consultoria em gestão de ativos Spain, SL (AMASS) Soluções de recuperação de ativos Instalação de restauração de ativos Asset Trust Management (Assettm) Assets Brokerage Network (ABN) Ativos Credit Union Assets International SA DE CV Assicurazioni Rossi Riccordi Ltd Assemrime Euro Brokering Associado Corporativo Dempresaris Immobiliaris Associado Serviços Financeiros Grupo de Gestão Associado Nomes Associados Associados Limitados Assessores Financeiros Associação de Empresas de Transferência de Valores (ASTC) Assure. se Aston Capital (com sede em Frankfurt) Aston Forex Aston Hu amp Associates Aston Invest Ltd Aston Markets Aston Midshires Insurance Aston Rowe Consultoria de consultoria Aston Rowe Consulting Inc Astorg Parceiros (ATI Associates Ltd.) Astra Finanz Astuto Seguros 8211 auch bekannt als Astuto Associados e Seguro de carro Warehouse AT Brokers Ate Binary Limited Atee Inc ATG Capital Solutions, Inc. Athos In Administração internacional BVBA ATI Associates Ltd. ATI International Financial Group Administração atlântica Atlantic Capital Management Atlantic Capital Trust Management, LLC (atlanticct) Atlantic Equity Management Atlantic Express Bank Atlantic Finance Atlantic Financial Holding, Inc. Atlantic Global Asset Management, SA Atlantic Group Atlantic International Partnership Atlantic Mutual International Limited (Axxess Swiss Corp) Atlantis Capital Partners, Inc. Atlantis Financial Atlantis Mergers amp Acquisition Group, Inc. Atlantis Mutual Atlanus Limited Atlas Capital Corp Atlas Capital Financial Services Ltd. Atlas Capital SA (atlascapitalsa) Atlas Consultoria (atlasconsultancyltd) Atlas Equities Atlas Financial Group LTD Atlas Invest LLC. Atlas Wealth Management Ltd (atlaswealthmgmt) ATM Capital ATM CAPITAL 8211 FOCUS POINT CAPITAL ATM Holdings Limited Atol Consultores ATP Financial Atrium Financial Group Atticus Holdings International (Klon) Attlee Wurth Atuo Trader Lucro v3.0 Atwood amp James SA Inc ATX Grupo AUBC (Ásia) Capital Augmentum Macau Ltd Aura Mergers amp Adquisições Aurea Negocios, SL Auron Group Sp. Z o. o. Aurum Astrum AG Ausante LLC Austin Claymore LP ÁUSTRIA FINANZ SERVICE AG limitada Autônomo Trader AG Automático Binário Robô Automático Binário Sinais Auto Dinheiro Gerador Automático Dinheiro Máquinas Auto Dinheiro Maker Auto Dinheiro Surf Auto Trader Alpha Auto Trader Lucro Auto Trader Lucro V3.0 Dólares All Day Auto Sistema Binário Automatizado de Riqueza (código monetário automatizado de 48 horas) APLICAÇÃO DE APLICAÇÃO DE APLICAÇÃO AUTOMATICA Ava Capital Markets (Klon einer registrierten Firma) Ava Capital Markets Ltd. Ava Financial Ltd Ava FX, Ava Financial Ltd. AVA Private Bank Ava Trade Limited fazendo negócios como avatrade Avacia Investments Avacia Limited Avacia Securities Limited AvaFX Avalon Consultoria Avalon Group Avalon Consultants Ltd (avalon-consultores) Avante Corp LLC AVANTI HOLDINGS-INTERFINANZAS ADVISORS CORP-IBS CONSULTING GROUP Avatar Finance Corporation Avatar spa Avatrade Avensisforex Avery Kingston Capital Avgitidis Trading Group AVI Trading amp Serviço de Transferência Corporativa (avitrading) AVI Vermgensberatung Aviessence Aviva Capital AW Advisory AW Associates (Klon einer registrierten Firma) (aw-associates. co. uk, awarnerassociates) AWDH Trading Limited AWI Financial AXA Investment Gestores AXA Isle of Man (Klon einer registrierten Firma) Axa Rosenberg Investment Management Ltd (gestão de projetos de investimento) Axatrades Axel Neumann (Klon einer registrierten Firma) AXI Trader Axia Consultores Axiom International Axis Grupo de Capital Axis Corporate Finance (axiscf) Eixo Eixo Financeiro Grupo de Investimento Eixo Open Source Corporation Axis Trading Group Incorporado Axis-Capital Ltd. AXN Trading Ltd (Eventus Aternatives Commercial Broker LLC) Axxess Swiss Corp Axxess Swiss Trading AY Universal Ayondo Markets Ltd. AZ Mercados (Az-mercados) Azonax Fund Aztec Group Azure Método The Ashton Lewis Grupo alfredbergam Wir beraten Sie Gerne. Jetzt kostenfrei anfragen. Sollten Sie in eines der in Dieser Liste genannten Unternehmen investier haben oder Zahlungen geleistet haben, stehen Ihnen unsere Rechtsanwlte kurzfristig zur Verfgung. Kaufman Capital Management steht wegen Anlagebetrug im Visier der Behrden. Geschdigte sollten sich umgehend an einen Anwalt fr Anlegerschutz wenden. Kaufman Capital Management: Verdacht no Anlagebetrug Handelt is sich hier um Anlagebetrug im groen. Orix Capital Trading - Die Anwaltskanzlei Herfurtner adverte Anleger, morre em troca Namen Orix Capital Trading por Email kontaktiert werden. Das registrrierte Unternehmen ORIX Group warnt mit einer Mitteilung vom 30. setembro 2016 selbst. Herfurtner Rechtsanwlte adverte vor Personen und Unternehmen, morre por Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen versuchen, nicht unerhebliche Betrge zu ergaunern. Die Methoden von Anlagebetrgern werden immer anspruchsvoller. Es lohnt sich também zu wissen, worauf man achten.

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